Your Arcana Message For Today

The Comfort Zone Is Just A Deception Zone That Leaves You Trapped In Obsoleteness, Know When To Get An Upgrade

The Comfort Zone Is Just A Deception Zone That Leaves You Trapped In Obsoleteness, Know When To Get An Upgrade

Today’s tarot card is the hermit. When there is always an easier and more accurate path, take it up and do not feel guilty for taking the shorter route. Taking the longer path does not always mean that it is the best. You will not be rewarded for how tired you are but for the results you produce. An accurate, faster, and shorter route is the software you need to adopt in life.

In the tarot card, there is a man with a lit lantern in one hand and a staff in the other. The man has a white beard to show that he is an old man and this signifies your inner soul. Although you may be young, your soul is immortal and possesses a lot of wisdom. You fail to notice the wisdom of your soul when you fail to look at your inner self and heed to its instructions and warnings. The lit lantern shows the people who guide you along the right path as you journey through life. They are very significant as they eliminate the darkness in your life. You have focused on taking great care of your body that you have neglected your soul. This has affected your life negatively and it is a matter of urgency that you do not wait for dawn as it could be too late. The staff signifies that you have to embark on a journey of finding your own soul and reclaiming inner peace.  

Update Your Software

It is comfortable to keep on using the same software over a long period of time since you are not required to upgrade your skills. However, the joy of the comfort zone brings more harm than good in the long term since the performance is negatively affected. Although updating your software may be costly and push you to learn new skills it is beneficial in the long run. The hermit card is expressing the urgency of updating your software in life. If you wait for the morning to take action, your entire system may crash resulting in irreversible damage. You have been thinking about doing something but you have let your fears and insecurities stop you from making a move. This in result has brought stagnation in your life and you keep wondering what is wrong with you. You blame your stars and claim that stagnation is your fate. The hermit card is letting you know that this is the right time to upgrade and it is urgent to do so.

Light In The Darkness

You have been experiencing a dark phase in your life that has left you confused. Things have not worked out as you had planned them out which has resulted in your devastation. You have lost your way and you do not know what to do to get back on the right path. The lit lantern in the hermit card means that you should hold on to the people that try to get you back on track. They could be your guardians, parents, employer, friends, or even mentors who are in your life to connect you to your destiny.

When you are at your lowest point in life and the entire world turns its back on you, these people would never let go of your hand. Make use of them because just like the lantern doesn’t stay lit forever, they are walking you for a moment then at some point they leave you to journey alone. Although they may not be in your life forever, if you utilize them well, even the little moment they are in it will be highly significant. 

When The Software Crashes

What happens when the software crashes? Although the current projects you are involved in are doing well and there is a balance in your current life, it may be compromised and tables may turn. You could lose your job, your business, friends, and even your support system. The hermit card requires you to be open-minded and know how you would handle things when they go south. Failure to look into the ways to handle when the software crashes will leave you confused when it comes to reality.

Although your life seems okay on the surface, the hermit card shows that it is time to embark on a journey in search of malware in your life. This is a period for you to search thoroughly through your soul and find out your strengths and weaknesses. Find out your purpose and mission in life and discover whether you are living towards their fulfillment. You may actually discover that your current path does not align with your purpose on earth and then adjust accordingly to avoid software crashes that result from using the right software for the wrong function. 

After doing everything possible and the software crashes, the most ideal action is to get new software. You may be walking on the right path but still get lost along the way or you may have done everything possible to sustain your current projects but they still fail. You may have worked effortlessly and entirely given yourself out to maintain your relationship with others but it still didn’t work out. You are not the problem, the problem is the software and you are just the user. No matter what you do the situation will not change hence the best thing is to start over once more. Take up the staff in your hand and begin once again.

Top Tip Of The Day

It is okay to take care of your body but not at the expense of your soul which is immortal. Although you are always feeding your body, your soul needs more attention now. Stop starving it but embark on a journey of soul-searching, introspection, and meditation. Even though it is dark outside, take your staff and get out because there is a lantern to light your path. 


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