The card on our deck today is the Empress tarot card. She is a symbol of growth and prosperity in life. Just like the high priestess, she glows with a unique power and she is associated with good luck. Pulling out the empress card might indicate that you are about to receive a higher calling to the service of humanity. However, this is not your ordinary service because it is a unique call to serve others as a leader. Leadership calls for more than influencing people because in this case you are being called to be a servant leader. This will involve donating your entire life to serve others without expecting anything in return.
Perhaps you have never been in any leadership position and you are wondering how this can be possible. You may be doubting your capability to lead because you do not have any experience. Is the thought of donating your life for the service of humanity sounding too intense? The empress card is calling you to accept the call and assuring you that you will be a great leader. Are there leaders that you admire? Are there people you look up to and feel that they are good leaders? Just like them, the card assures you that you can walk in their shoes. Afterall, there is a first time for everybody thus you do not need to be afraid.
The card indicates that you will achieve great prosperity if you take up the leadership call. Like the empress holding a sceptre in her hand, you will have power once you become a leader. However, it is up to you to decide how to use that power. This card is challenging you to be a kind leader who strives to make other people realise their potential. This is not easy because it will require you to donate your time and personal resources to actualize the dream you have for your people. However,if you can manage to be a servant leader, you will indeed make a difference in the world and restore the hope of humanity to most people who have already lost it.
The empress card assures you that you have what it takes to accept the call. While you might be hesitant to receive it, you are called upon to accept the challenge. Remember that as a leader, not everyone will accept you and your ideas. It will take some time to earn the people’s trust thus you don’t give up midway. Continue donating your life to them, until your acts penetrate through the most stubborn of hearts. With the critics and those who fight your course, the empress card shows that you will be required to bring out your feminine side to win them over. This implies that if they are mean, fight them with kindness. If they insult you, fight them with kind words and forgive them and if they provoke you, remain calm and let your silence fight for you. By doing this, you can be sure to win them over.
Regardless of everything, put aside your fear and accept your call to leadership for the universe has already prepared you for the task ahead.
Lets See How Your Love Card Connects With Your Birth Cards For Even More Clarity.
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