Your Tarot Message For Today

Becoming the Best Attorney

Becoming the Best Attorney

On the deck today is the High Priestess tarot card. She is a symbol of goodluck and power that radiates from within. The card depicts the image of a woman ,who undoubtedly is the high priestess, clothed in blue. She is seated on a throne that has a floral background while it is located between two pillars. At her feet lies a crescent moon symbol while at her heart is a cross symbol.  She holds a scroll in her hand and her head is adorned with a crown. She wears a sombre expression on her face that seems to emit an intimidating aura. 

Pulling out the upright high priestess tarot could indicate that you are in a stage of life where people are placing too much trust in you. You are being tasked with various responsibilities because they are recognizing something precious in you. Without a struggle, people are transferring their power of attorney to you in many capacities such as consulting you before making a decision, seeking your advice among others. This might have suddenly become a daunting task for you because you feel that you cannot afford to fail them or break their trust. You are wondering what to do to ensure you do not misuse the power of attorney that has been vested upon you. 

The High Priestess card is an assurance that you need to calm down and stop being overwhelmed for things to work out in the right manner. Like the high priestess you need to maintain a calm expression because as a leader people are looking up to you. Whether you are a leader in the workplace, church, nation or even in your home, always remember that you set the mood for those who have given you their power of attorney. If you panic in times of trouble, they will also absorb the fear and chaos may occur. Regardless of the situations, the best attorneys know how to remain calm.

Just like the high priestess has a scroll in her hand that possibly has the law, this card is a reminder that there are guidelines that govern you as an attorney. While people are transferring to you their power of attorney, there are agreements that you may as they air their desires to you. Once you have the power, you should never forget that agreement that you made. Let it be a guide to you to ensure you become the best attorney. Most of the people tend to make promises so that they can receive the power of attorney. However, once they get into the leadership positions they desire, they forget and rubbish everything. Do not be that person, the universe falls in love with a person who keeps their promise.

In conclusion, just like the cross and the crescent moon symbols on the high priestess, pay attention to your inner self. While being an attorney is a great thing, be careful so that you do not end up neglecting your soul. Take time to cultivate your souls and grow yourself because in any way you cannot give others from an empty cup. 

Go and be the best attorney to those who have entrusted you. The universe is with you! 

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