Your Tarot Message For Today

Insuring Your Life with The Truth

Insuring Your Life with The Truth

On the deck today is the Tower tarot card and it appears to let you know that disaster may strike at any moment thus you need to be ready always. It is in the nature of human beings to assume that things will always work out as they desire. They pray and cling unto the faith that disaster will not happen in their lives yet the bitter truth is that uncertainty is part of life and disaster may strike in anybody’s life and in any time. People who have embraced this reality opt to take up insurance policies so that when it strikes, they are able to minimize the effects. Although an insurance policy does not imply that the disaster will not strike, it enables one to save on plenty of costs that they would incur if the disaster strikes and they are not covered.

The Upright tower card appears to indicate impending danger in your life. It calls upon you to take caution and be prepared so that when the disaster strikes you will be in a better position to mitigate the outcomes.  You might be an employee and your job is the only source of income that you have. You are the sole provider for your family and this job means the world to you such that you cannot afford losing it for anything. This card indicates that you may soon be retrenched and this will push you into a financial crisis.

The retrenchment will come so suddenly that you will not know on the next step to take hence your entire life might come crashing on you in that moment. The appearance of this card is an indicator that you need to insure your financial life by having an extra source of income. Cease depending on your job only else you will regret it when disaster strikes. You may establish a side hustle to supplement your income and also ensure to save up some money so that you may have shelter during the stormy days. The universe is reminding you that it is a blend of sunny and stormy days thus you are called to make hay while the sun shines. 

The reversed Tower card might indicate that you are resisting the beliefs that you once held onto. It takes courage to resist the status quo and fight for what is right. The fight for the truth may be dangerous, difficult, draining and lonely because there will be nobody to support you in most cases. Just as people resist insurance policies such as life insurance since they do not want to talk about death out of the fear that they might be inviting it, the fight for the truth is often resisted. The universe is informing you that you need to keep on fighting and standing up for it even if that means letting go of everything else and everybody else. The universe will stand up for you!

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