Your Tarot Message For Today

The Flame of Justice Is Slowly Extinguishing; The Universe Is Beckoning You To Respond The Call Of Being A Good Lawyer.

The Flame of Justice Is Slowly Extinguishing; The Universe Is Beckoning You To Respond The Call Of Being A Good Lawyer.

Today’s tarot card is Justice. The state of imbalance in the world will always exist as long as there are people who have more power than others. The bridge to the imbalance begins when a confident being takes up the role of standing up for the voiceless. 

The card has an image of a woman who wears a crown on her head and behind her, there is a purple veil. She is dressed in a red robe to indicate her power while the green mantle on her shoulders indicates a connection with the universe. In her right hand, she holds a sword with the tip pointed upwards to indicate that her decision is final. In her left hand, she holds weighing scales to indicate the quest for justice. A part of her white shoe is visible popping out of her clothing. 

Called To Be A Good Lawyer

The Justice card can indicate that the universe is calling out to you to be a good lawyer. You do not necessarily need to be a legal practitioner but you need to be confident enough to stand up for others. You could be in a team where there are some people who are looked down upon simply because they are not talented or because they are facing self-esteem issues that affect their confidence. Like the woman dressed in red, the Justice card indicates that you are clothed in confidence even when you doubt your potential. Like the white shoe popping out of the woman’s clothing, the time is right to open your eyes and no longer be blind to the injustice happening around you.

As a lawyer, your role is to be a voice to those people who have no voice. Stand up for them even when they lack the esteem to stand up for themselves. Your strength is the red robe and your confidence is the crown, wear them with great honor and begin your work as a lawyer. The universe will guide you on the right path and grant you strength for this role.

The Lawyer’s Responsibility Of Seeking Justice

As you take up your role as a lawyer, the weighing scale of the card indicates that you will be faced with many situations where your decision will be needed. Those whom you represent will seek your counsel in areas they lack knowledge in. Even when you have an opportunity to take advantage of your situation and benefit by practicing injustice, the justice card indicates that you bear the responsibility of being a justice seeker. You will have many opportunities that would prompt you to receive bribes at the expense of justice but as a good lawyer, you have to practice equality and fairness.

Lifting Up Your Sword of Justice

Like the woman lifting up her sword, your role as a lawyer will not be a walk in the park. You will have to make hard decisions and stand firm by them even when you don’t feel like it. You might be faced with cases where someone close to you has committed an offense. As a human being, the easiest thing is to represent the person in court and try to defend them as much as possible so that they do not have to face the consequences. However, the justice card is warning that in such a situation, you will need to raise up your sword of justice high enough and let justice win over emotions. It will hurt but the universe will be proud of you and reward you immensely.

Being The Wise Lawyer In Your Relationships

The Justice card can indicate that your relationship with your partner is going on well but there are a few issues you are overlooking. You are ignoring the issues since they are just minor cracks yet if you ignore them, the wall may collapse and come crumbling down. The card warns you that you should not wait any longer but find a solution to those issues affecting you.

Like the woman in the card, it indicates that you ought to act like the bigger person and take the balancing scales in your hands to weigh between the love in your relationship against the issues affecting your relationships. You will realize that it is not worth having fights with your partner but instead, take up the sword in your hands and be the one to apologize and make amends. This does not make you the weaker partner but instead, it affirms the crown on your head that you are a just lawyer. If you have no partner, the justice card could also indicate you need to check out your relationship with your friends or simply the people you consider close to you. You may weigh your friendship and the little misunderstandings such as lack of time for each other and seek to restore it even when you believe you did not cause the imbalance. The universe is cheering out for you. 

Be An Outstanding Lawyer

The Justice card can indicate that you are a person who enjoys adventure and seeks to learn new things. You are eager to get out of your confinements and always looking for opportunities to help you grow as a person. Like the tip of the white shoe on the card, you strive to be noticeable and leave an impression. The justice card is an indication that the universe is calling you out to be an outstanding lawyer. Seek to make a difference by ensuring equality even when inequality has become the norm of the world. In a planet where unjust lawyers are highly recognized, seek to be a just lawyer and let your actions reflect the positive energy the universe circulates. 

Top Tip Of The Day

The world is full of people who have no voice and they are always trampled upon. You are chosen to be a lawyer and equipped for the role. Take up the sword of justice your hands and the balancing in your hands and the balancing scales and embark on your quest to restore justice as a good lawyer. The universe will give you the energy you need to aid your mission.


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