Your Tarot Message For Today

The Path To Your Destiny May Be Rough And You May Be Tempted To Grow Weary; Before Going Back, Remember To Move Ahead Where Your Destiny Is.

The Path To Your Destiny May Be Rough And You May Be Tempted To Grow Weary; Before Going Back, Remember To Move Ahead Where Your Destiny Is.

Today’s tarot is the Eight of Wands card. Life can be very difficult sometimes which gives you the option of letting the difficult moments define you or toughening up and moving forward regardless. There may be many obstacles to the path that leads to your destiny but if you do, you will miss it out. No matter how hard and painful it is, you have to move forward. 

The card shows eight wands that are in motion to indicate that as long as you are alive, you should always keep moving because you have a purpose to accomplish here on earth. All the wands are moving in the same direction to indicate that you need to align your purpose to your mission and vision so that you can execute the sole reason you are in existence. The wands are sprouting to indicate that growth is inevitable as you move ahead. The card also has images of two doves; one at the top and the other at the bottom of the wands. 

Improving Your Life’s Credit Score

The Eight of Wands can indicate that you are trying to move forward in life as you focus on achieving your vision and mission. Although moving ahead is not always a walk in the park, you ought to keep moving. Whenever you feel like giving up, abandoning your mission, and looking back, the card is warning you that you cannot look behind but instead focus your eyes on the prize ahead of you. At the twilight of your life, you will look back at your way of life during your youthful days and determine whether it was worth living based on your credit score.

To achieve a higher credit score, the Eight of Wands indicates that you need to keep moving ahead and chase your goals. If they move faster than you, increase your pace instead of slowing down and letting them go. The world is changing at a higher rate and if you remain in the same position, you become irrelevant. As you chase your goal, remember to be a dove to other people by bringing peace in their lives instead of hindering them from growth. This will surely increase your life’s credit score and looking back later on in life, you will be glad you achieved that much.  

Giving Credit To The People In Your Life

It is said that you may never realize the importance of water until you are in the desert almost dying of thirst. At that moment, even a single drop will be more valuable to you than diamonds and other treasures. The Eight of Wands can indicate that there are people in your life who have been very supportive to you yet you fail to acknowledge them. Sometimes, you may never actually notice the important role they are playing until they stop playing that role. These people could be your parents, guardians, friends, colleagues, or even mentors.

Just like the wands, they are moving in the same direction as you are and giving you the moral support you need as you focus on achieving your goals. Like the two doves, they create a peaceful environment that makes it easier for you to focus on your goals. Unfortunately, whenever you become successful, you acknowledge yourself and other factors while forgetting to give them credit for the crucial role that they are playing. The Eight of Wands card indicates that it is high time you give the credit and appreciate them for the motivation and support they bring into your life. 

Crediting Your Relationships On Positive Energy

The Eight of Wands can indicate that your relationships will be tested over and over thus the need for a solid foundation. You may be feeling that your partner is very different from you and they fancy the things you have no interest in. Other times you may feel that you are too different which may make you begin to doubt your compatibility. Just like the wands, you will need to move in the same direction with your partner to create a mutual understanding as well as establishing a sense of direction.

Although you have different purposes and missions, it is critical to integrate them and find a common ground to ensure you move in sync. If one person has negative energy while the other has positive energy, there is a high likelihood that the negative will absorb all the energy from the partner which leaves both with no energy at all. At the end of it all, the conflicts in energies will result in the instability of the relationship and finally see its end. 

Crediting Your Struggles

The path to a great destiny is not the smooth one but the one filled with thorns and wild animals ready to devour you. Growth does not happen before you plant the seed and ensure the conditions necessary to facilitate it are in place. Every time you move forward, there will be forces propelling you to move back. These forces could be the people closest to you who think your vision is too crazy to be achieved. Although you may feel disappointed when they do not believe in you, the Eight of Wands shows that your success is on the way and you will appreciate the entire process. Learn to credit your struggles because it is through them that you are able to feel the joy of success. It is through them that you are encouraged to move forward even when you fall down. By crediting your struggles, you learn to appreciate every thorn along your path and every bump on your road to success.

Top Tip Of The Day

There comes a time when moving ahead is challenging yet remaining in the same position only results in stagnation. At that moment you will have to choose the people to move ahead with to ensure you grow and achieve your purpose. Regardless of every opposing force, make sure to propel forward. 


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