Your Arcana Message For Today

The Best Interest Is Paid By An Investment In Knowledge

The Best Interest Is Paid By An Investment In Knowledge

Today’s tarot card is The Sun. Life has a habit of getting in the way, hence upon succeeding in a project that took you so much time and effort, you are bound to feel good. You can earn your degree after some years of hard work and this period can teach you a lot of life lessons. Along the way of you achieving in life, you have met amazing people who have impacted your life to date.

Though some experiences like getting a degree may have been expensive for you, you can now say that it was a worthwhile investment. These experiences of self-advancing make you realize how much you don’t know yet, and they allow you to get a better perspective of the direction you are taking. The Sun card encourages you to be enthusiastic about your long-awaited goals because now you will experience their fruition.

Never Give Up On Yourself.

When you are applying for your degree course, you can sometimes get rejected if you do not qualify. You may have to do other extensive exams to prove that you can manage the course, but even then get rejected from doing it.  However, after continuous attempts and doing all the substitute exams, you may be accepted to do the degree course of your choice. Rejection starts to interfere with your mind at some point. You start to rethink if you are actually capable or even intelligent in the first place. Whether it’s getting a degree or any other area, just keep trying.

You have to get to a place where you accept rejection as part of life because it is an inevitable thing that often happens. You may be working so hard on your projects and you want people to recognize your effort so that you can get some support. You may be constantly presenting your proposals before people, hoping they will also believe in the work you do. You probably have been disappointed more than once and you may feel like giving up. You may have given yourself one final chance to try again and if it doesn’t work, you may forgo the whole dream altogether.


In the Sun card, the large bright sun is radiating positivity to you.  As it shines on the naked child in the card, so does it on you.  You have been going through a difficult time, The Sun card shows that things are getting better for you. Through the challenges you have been going through, you have discovered you have so much resilience and strength to keep pushing. The universe has seen the hard work you have put in and is keen on rewarding the work you do.


The Sun card gives you the energy to give the final push and it can already show success coming your way. You will realize you have more confidence and you have a feeling everything will work out. A valuable lesson you have learned is that when something doesn’t work, you need to change the approach and try a new method. Also, you have realized that sometimes it is best to just let go and move on. It will now be easy for you to know when to attempt either, but with time, and getting some little perspective, you will keep getting better at making these decisions.

Be Patient While Getting Your Degree.

When you start pursuing your degree education, it takes some years to be completely through. It is not a fast-paced thing that you will easily achieve. Some students get to university with all motivation, but along the way, they find it difficult to keep up with the degree coursework. Others can drop out while others choose to cheat their way through, by getting other people to do exams for them. Being patient is probably the hardest part but it is really critical. If you want to get a good degree qualification though, you have to take your time and put in the effort. There is nothing that will come easily in any area of your life. You may want to succeed, and put your life in order.

You probably feel frustrated when things don’t happen as fast as you would want. You may expect that every move you make will bring quick results. You may have considered doing things the wrong way just for you to get fast results. Anything that you do that doesn’t align with good morals will sooner or later mess you up. The way for you to achieve anything will not be a straight path, and thinking otherwise is naive and a foolish move. Your spirit has been urging you to do things right, and you may notice that even if your work doesn’t pay off as much as you wanted, you are not lacking in anything.

In The Sun card, there is a naked child who is riding a horse. The nakedness of the child symbolizes that you are choosing to approach everything with openness and having nothing to hide. The horse also shows the strength you have been graced with to achieve your goals. All you are required to do now is to take baby steps and know that as long as you are taking them, you are making progress. Remember that slow progress is not equal to no progress, when you practice patience these days, that is a great virtue you have. Any problems you may have experienced will start melting away with the warmth that The Sun card brings.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Always have good thoughts about yourself, because you were made for success. No matter what you do or wherever you go your energy and positive attitude will bring you happiness and joy. People will get drawn to you if you continue seeing things from this bright side.  Your warm energy and hopeful spirit will pull you through the tough moments you get. Do your best to not get negativity around you as this will only make you lag.  The universe will grant you abundance once you continue expressing yourself authentically as you do.



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