Your Arcana Message For Today

The Fool is more than just being naive--he is the epitome of an unbiased individual similar to a child's innocence.

The Fool is more than just being naive--he is the epitome of an unbiased individual similar to a child's innocence.

The Message of the Day

The message of the day calls us to emulate the traits that The Fool portrays. Despite what the name suggests, The Fool is no fool at all. Although it may appear as a folly on the surface level, The Fool surprisingly possesses wisdom when he displays that childlike innocence in viewing new and challenging situations as adventures instead of seeing them as daunting obstacles. Although shifting circumstances could mean enduring discomfort temporarily, we can also change our perception by maintaining a growth mindset. Our outlook in life could mean all the difference. Once you treat a demanding situation as an insurmountable mountain to traverse, that can put an end to your journey. On the other hand, considering challenges as building blocks of our personal growth can make the once impossible path manageable. 

In the advent of the COVID-19 global health crisis, the open-mindedness of The Fool is needed in navigating through the tough times. It is no surprise that both public and private institutions are either at a halt or have minimal business operations for the time being. Most of the transactions are now being done via virtual means. Even the school system is no exception to this—online education is the most preferred alternative way around the globe. We can learn from the example displayed by different sectors of the society in their manner of dealing with the pandemic. The online education method can be applied to our lives by slowly adjusting to the new normal while the problem has not yet been fully solved. 

Innocence Does Not Equate to Stupidity

Being the first card of the tarot, The Fool perfectly represents the naivety of a child. The number zero of this card truly makes it stand out from the other cards. This should not be mistaken as simply being empty. Like a blank slate, we possess the freedom to put anything we put our mind into reality. It is similar to an infant who has just been born into this world—being carefree and the lack of experience is the usual starting point of any individual who is still about to explore and be shaped through his surroundings.

The Fool is shown as a young man wearing brightly colored clothes and shoes. He is looking up to the sky while walking, making him completely unaware that he is already standing on the edge of the cliff. Behind him, the sun is shining radiantly upon him with an equally vibrant horizon to match. He also carries a small knapsack over his right shoulder and a white rose on his left. A white dog can also be seen below his feet. The dangerous state that the man is in seems to be a minor concern for him. In the same way, the tall mountain range behind the man is the representation of the stumbling blocks he will face later on in his expedition.

Since The Fool is still at the early stages of his journey, he does not yet have to deal with those problems. Instead, he turns his attention to what is happening at the moment. He even has his dog to accompany him in his adventure—a truly trusted companion and a guide at the same time.

In the same manner, the transition from traditional learning in the classroom towards online education is an excellent display of versatility and a broad-minded perspective through uncertain times. We see ourselves as The Fool in our attempt of providing ingenious solutions to the predicament at hand.

The True Test of Our Adaptability

The online education system captures the essence of the phrase: Out with the old, in with the new. For most countries around the world, conducting face-to-face classes is not yet feasible. And even if it is, the risk still outweighs the possible advantages that the traditional ways can offer. Although online education might be less conducive learning and teaching environment for students and teachers, we are faced with no other choice but to tolerate it in the meantime. It will stay this way unless there is a much better option or until it will be safe again to hold physical classes. 

Turning to online education tests not only the ability of school employees and students alike but also the traditional nature of the education system. Just like how The Fool as the first card symbolizes a fresh start, the modern evolution of learning is slowly leaning towards online education methods. Before the pandemic, sticking to the proven and tested approach of learning via the traditional school setup has been effective so far. Now that the times have changed, substantial and effective options worthy to temporarily substitute the conventional means of educational training are unfortunately heavily limited.

It seems paradoxical how an institution such as the school will be subjected to an examination that students normally undergo. If an age-old institution such as the educational system shows its willingness to compromise by implementing online education, then so can we.

Today’s Tip

There may be certain beliefs and habits that helped us get through multiple difficult circumstances in the past. However, there may be one instance that all those techniques will be put into question. If this will eventually happen to you, maintain the open-mindedness that The Fool has shown. This is not to say that mere positive thinking without practical solutions will help us make a safe exit into the thick of a situation. Instead of pressuring yourself to formulate an effective strategy within a short duration, you can try to be more relaxed in approaching a tricky predicament.

In addition, don’t feel discouraged if you lack the knowledge when you find yourself in new environments. This does not solely apply to students facing the new academic year via online education. With or without the pandemic, other related and equally difficult moments will be presented to us. The Fool reminds us that our current state of being a blank canvas only indicates that we still have room to grow. Our potential to be successful in our respective fields is limitless. The Fool may be a novice and a student of life, but he is also a teacher that demonstrates the value of having a growth mindset instead of a fixed one.



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