Your Arcana Message For Today

Energy Transfer Is Real; Be Mindful Of Whom You Allow Into Your Life.

Energy Transfer Is Real; Be Mindful Of Whom You Allow Into Your Life.

Today’s tarot card is the six of swords. You are filled with optimism and always looking at the better part of life while avoiding a thought on the tides that life can bring you. You can hardly bear to imagine that sadness is awaiting you in the future. Some circumstances are inevitable in your life and they serve the purpose of making you better. Problems will always appear in life, sometimes unexpectedly, but the person who lives the best life chooses not to be overcome by their circumstances. 

In the six of swords tarot card, there is a woman and a child in a boat that is rowed in the water moving to a different place, which signifies you moving forward and leaving the past. You can see that the woman and the child are leaving something behind that seems to be of sentimental value. The woman’s head is covered in a cloak which symbolizes that you are hiding from something and you do not want anyone to know your true self. You see her child nestling close, looking for comfort and safety as they go on this journey together.

In the boat stands six swords, which suggests that you may still be carrying baggage and memories that were painful to you and taking them into your future. A good sign in the card is the man who is rowing the boat which symbolizes a helping hand amid transition. Having passed through the turbulent sea, the six of swords card symbolizes that you will leave behind a tumultuous situation, in the hope of having a more peaceful and favorable life. It symbolizes the power of having a rational mind which can overpower your heart and intuition.

Do Not Transfer Your Baggage Into The Future.

The course of life has many upside downs, do not let them outweigh you. Every turbulence comes with a lesson and allows you to become wiser and do better. The six of swords insists that even if you are moving to a new environment, you should leave the swords behind. Let go of the sorrows and misfortune that were in your life. You are moving to peaceful waters and there are so many things you can experience. Do not let your problems limit you from seeing the good that is to come. The woman looking ahead symbolizes that you still have good things coming your way, the journey has just started. Do not transfer the issues of your past to your present.

Do Not Resist Transition.

There are people around you who care about you although you choose not to see them. Do not be adamant about insisting that you are alone. In the six of swords card, you see the child leaning towards the woman, which signifies that she believes in her and shows her that she is not alone. You also see the man rowing the boat for the journey to continue for them to get where they are going safely. Ignoring the help that others give you only limits you from healing. You should take in the good energy that is transferred to you when you feel exhausted. When you are passing through this turbulence, what you do is very important, look around you and notice the other people who are also going through their fears but make an effort to stand by you and help you. Do not shut them out. Cheer up and do not resist the transition, you may be so stuck in your ways and sink so deep in the problems that you get used to that situation. Focus on the right things and you will get to your destiny having healed.

Transfer Your Focus To Something Better.    

Looking keenly into your life, you will notice a lot of self-criticisms. You expect you should be perfect and any mistakes you make; make you feel like everyone else is judging you. In the card, you see the woman covering her head with a cloak trying to hide. Considering the things you have gone through, shame and hiding is the last thing that should pull you back. You are doing okay as you are and it is right to accept yourself regardless of the things you have done. When life is teaching you, the universe doesn’t expect to see shame, but the courage that you are trying to become better.

The woman is hiding her true identity and fears being discovered by people. Your identity is your power and hiding it takes the sunshine out from you. Transfer your energy to growing yourself. Allow other people to see who you are without hiding behind a fake face, do not keep up with pleasing others and suffering about it alone. You will know the true reason why someone is in your life when you reveal yourself. Be proud of it and face your life as it comes.    

Choosing Growth.

As you move ahead, remember that life always has its highs and lows and it doesn’t mean you are more of a victim to it. In the six of swords card, you see the woman had gathered her strength and moved on with all her baggage. Although you feel that life is not fair, you can only move ahead, there is nothing left in the past for you. What you decide to move on with is up to you, but remember, you can only grow. Whenever you feel like giving up, remember there are people who rely on you and the sunshine is bound to shine after some long rains. Be hopeful and wait.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Your energy is transferable, so choose which one to carry with you. You have a choice of being stuck in the mud or recollecting yourself. The strongest of people have gone through the worst of things, so do not let your problems get to you. Has the planting season ever lasted forever? What would you do when you start harvesting? You will enjoy the fruits without saying how much you planted.                                           


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