Your Arcana Message For Today

When times get hard, taking a pause is essential in allowing you to get back on your feet.

When times get hard, taking a pause is essential in allowing you to get back on your feet.

The Message of the Day

Part of being human is to experience a couple of hardships throughout their entire life. Several unpleasant and harsh life incidents have forced us to awaken our emotional maturity. However, too much of it—just like how anything in excess—is detrimental to one’s well-being as illustrated in the Ten of Wands.

The card presents an overly burdened man who is carrying a heavy bundle of wood. With the current situation of the world at large, the pandemic made the burden both at the individual and societal level even heavier. Especially in the case of the education sector that has been forced to adapt to the online class setup, both the teacher and the student have their weight on their shoulders. However, one fact remains clear. Even if an online class is the most viable method, for now, there has to be another way to make learning effective and efficient—close, if not equal or more than, to that of physical classes. Until that kind of alternative is fully operational or the situation is safe enough to conduct face-to-face classes again, most people will have to endure these brief detours and inconveniences in the form of an online class.

No Choice but to Adapt

The first thing you might notice about the Ten of Wands is the circumstance of the man in the card. He is heavily laden with ten pieces of wood. Judging from his body movement, his back is slouched which can give us an idea that he is exhausted. Pretty much like the man, we too are carrying our respective weights—family, career, finances, etc. While this may not be necessarily a burden, it cannot be denied that any of these aspects certainly gives us pressure. Each person has a different circumstance that will determine one’s domestic life, work environment, emotional stability, and others. 

With the man in the card having his back facing towards us, we can never truly know the facial expression he is making—how much more about what he's feeling or thinking? Similarly, the people we meet every day have also been silently carrying their corresponding problems. Even in our household, our very own family members may not disclose the full extent of the difficulties they are facing. For instance, families and relatives who are students and educators in the middle of this global crisis are faced with the need to catch up in the new and temporary way of learning via online classes.

Due to the unexpected shift towards online classes, it can be safely assumed that there are more cons to this than pros. Given the lack of better options, schools in different countries are left with no choice but to adapt and endure it for as long as needed. Like the man in the card whose destination is within sight, the method of teaching will eventually return from online class to the traditional one. Let this be a reminder that the current skeletal framework of schools and most establishments are not permanent.

The Burden We Carry

It seems that the existing fate the world is in has slowed, if not frozen, the normal pace of events. The global health crisis has indeed affected us all—and this is just one of the many setbacks that we will encounter during our lifetime. Just like with most problems we have faced before, the pandemic is sudden and beyond our control. We have been under this situation for more than a year already and who knows how many more it will take until this will be over. In our own way, we strictly observe and maintain the safety protocols to lessen our chances of getting and transmitting the disease. In line with this, the online class became the popular alternative to the physical means of learning.

Even if we know the purpose behind this modification, both the students and teachers alike still cannot help but meet difficulties along the way. It is more than just about the internet connection, the gadget being used, the home atmosphere, and any other technical difficulties. Some students realize that the current setup has dramatically lowered their focus and memory retention whereas educators may find it limiting the full extent of their ability to teach. To add, the technologically challenged people as well as those who are financially disadvantaged escalates the problem even further. Hence, it is an undeniable reality that a wide gap exists between the practicality of the usual classes and online classes.

These are just a few examples of the burdens presented in the Ten of Wands. Even if we are no longer a student or our career is not in line with education, we are still trying to overcome the setbacks that stand in our path—whether it is directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic or not. While it is true that there are things that cannot be replaced when it comes to teaching, office work, and other job-related tasks through physical means, we can only follow the guidelines set by the health organizations, government, and our employers.

Today’s Tip

When the load on our shoulders is already straining our body, it goes without saying that it is time to take a rest. Some burdens cannot be reduced or let others carry them for us. There is a saying that goes: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. However, this doesn’t mean that you will only take a timeout once you have already achieved the results you desired. Persistence and determination do not include incessantly working in your endeavor until you get burnt out. Like the man in the card, you can unload whatever you are carrying and sit back for a moment. This is applicable in the current status in any sector worldwide, but most especially with the educational institution. 

The ultimate purpose for pushing through education via online means is to carry on the learning despite the restrictive nature of the pandemic. Graduating and moving up to a higher educational level are no easy feat—getting to one’s destination gets even harder the heavier the yoke is. Just as the Ten of Wands depicts that the man’s stopping place is within sight, the cycle of struggle in your learning journey will soon come to an end. This proves that every step, no matter how small it is, definitely counts.



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