Your Arcana Message For Today

Maintaining your fitness as a preventive measure for both minor and severe illnesses will be your main shield against the ever-changing environment and weather.

Maintaining your fitness as a preventive measure for both minor and severe illnesses will be your main shield against the ever-changing environment and weather.

The Message of the Day

The Wheel of Fortune is the card of the day. There is only one guaranteed fact in this world that remains the same across different eras—that is, the uncertainty that the future brings. The current state, whether it be good or bad, will not last for an indefinite period. Because of this, we cannot be completely complacent despite how the different aspects of our lives are in their tiptop shape. Matters beyond our control will always exist. And for this, practicing preventive measures are extremely helpful in times of crisis.

Given the present condition of the world, maintaining one’s overall fitness is undoubtedly the topmost priority. We cannot afford to get sick especially during these turbulent times. Implementing an upgrade in our daily habits is a must to keep ourselves healthy. One way of doing so is to adopt a fitness regimen.

Not knowing where to start in switching up your routine is a normal occurrence. This lack of information requires effort to help you get started on your destination towards fitness. You would need a plan first before you can pursue your aspiration. This part is non-negotiable, especially for beginners. Oftentimes, the direction of your strategy is patterned after your desired goal. Is your purpose for working out is to lose weight? Or perhaps to gain muscles? Or is it just geared towards having a fit and healthy lifestyle in general?

Mapping Out Your Fitness Goal

After determining your objective, you need to conduct preliminary research to provide the raw framework on which your fitness plan will be based. The Wheel of Fortune only provides a favorable opening. After all, an opportunity being presented to you is still meaningless if you refuse it. The part where the need to conceptualize and put in the hard work is all up to you.

If you are after shedding some pounds, giving up on excess calories and junk foods is a must along with a healthy lifestyle. One would not be enough without the other. If gaining muscles is your target, indulging in muscle-building foods would be extremely beneficial. Even if you lack the financial means or have doubts about whether you will succeed, things will somehow work out in the end as long as you do your part.

Even when the universe is in your favor, it should not be the reason for you to be complacent. There is no such thing as a pre-written destiny. The free will that humans have can easily shift the situation either way. Similarly, choosing to prioritize your fitness will have an undeniable long-term benefit on your physical, mental, and even your financial capability. Making preventive measures today by implementing a fitness routine can save you from a lot of trouble later on.

Putting Ideas into Action

Moving from a purely idea-based approach into practice is easier said than done. And because of this, moving towards the path of having a healthy lifestyle operates similarly. Setting unrealistic goals like achieving a toned body or losing 15 kilograms within a month will most likely end up as a failure.

In addition, you are also prone to become more frustrated when you do not see the desired results in an instant. While there is nothing wrong with having big ambitions, knowing the difference between blind optimism and being practical is a must. The wheels are constantly turning, and so are the endless possibilities that come with our actions. In an ideal setup, you would want your fitness program to be successful right off the bat. However, there are certain comfort zones you must abandon for you to reach the finish line.

The time you devote to particular things, such as watching movies and strolling with friends, could be allocated instead to hit the gym and meet your fitness coach. Getting too accustomed to your everyday and weekly routine runs the risk of ignoring and refusing new ways that can improve your way of living. The wheels are pointing to changes in the usual course of events. There is no use in trying to fight against it or avoiding it. It may be not what you wanted for now, but the advantages will have you thank yourself in the future. 

Of course, these are not the only variables that are subject to be change. Consumption of junk foods and sweets also meets the same fate. Your attitude towards organic and nutritious foods also plays a crucial part. The costs may be different for multiple individuals, but this fact alone serves as the common ground. Find what it is you are unwilling to release and from there, you take small steps forward.

Today’s Tip

The Wheel of Fortune signifies change, both good and bad. But in most instances, we fail to realize that each significant change that has already taken place comes in these pairs. Our perception will either highlight one or the other. As for the case of keeping yourself fit, the reward only comes after you have paid the price by facing all the hurdles.

It is normal to be intimidated by challenges. But do remember that life does not let you stay inside your comfort zone for an indefinite period. There is no development if you only stick with what’s familiar. It is the same way with how you will never grow muscles if you did not make an effort to exercise.

It can be way too tempting to do it later or tomorrow. You may get the same result, but the time difference speaks for itself. When you have already reinforced your immune system, diseases will have a tougher time breaking into it. In contrast, fulfilling the plan half-heartedly will only give you a defense mechanism full of loopholes. In other words, the stakes will be higher in the future if you purposely delay your plans. 

Keep in mind that the benefits outweigh all the risks when you pursue this path. It is by far the most practical means of observing self-care. And when you are in your healthiest state, it is also when you are the most capable of taking care of your loved ones as well.


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