Your Arcana Message For Today

Making Claims on Your Inner Child

Making Claims on Your Inner Child

Today’s card on the deck is the Sun tarot. It is a card associated with good luck as it symbolizes abundance, prosperity, and success. The card depicts the image of a naked child riding on a white horse. The child’s head is adorned with a garland of flowers and he holds a red flag with his left hand. There is a brick wall behind the child and four blooming sunflowers indicating the brightness of the morning. Above them is a large bright sun and inside it is a human face figure that wears a calm expression. 

Drawing the upright sun card might indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by situations in your life even where you know that you do not have control. You worry much about situations and give in to the pressure yet you are supposed to keep calm, work towards achieving your purpose and wait for the rest to unfold. Maybe you are a parent wondering whether your children will be successful in life yet you have given them the best that there could ever be, perhaps you are a teacher worried whether your students will pass their examinations yet you have taught them well, or maybe you are convicted with a crime and you are wondering whether the judge will rule in your favour.  Worrying gives you unnecessary pressure that takes a great toll on you. The Sun card warns that you need to make claims on your inner child. Take a look at how children lead a stress-free life without any worry. They have big dreams because they have not absorbed the negative energy in the world. To them, impossibility is a word that does not exist hence they do not associate themselves with it. You need your inner child, go forth and make claims!

For your claims to be valid, you need to undress your soul and be naked like the child on the Sun card. This means releasing all the negative energy that you have absorbed since it is delaying your claims. Let go of any jealousy that stops you from interacting with people who seem to be doing better than you, let go of friends who mislead you and make fun of your dreams thus making you think they are impossible, release any anger in your heart that clouds your judgement whenever it is activated, get rid of the poor mentality that makes you feel that you cannot learn from some people because they are inferior and breath out the toxic energy that makes you doubt yourself.  By doing this, you are undressing your soul, and creating room for your inner child to resume their place. With all those preparations, you can be certain that your claims will be heard and validated.

The morning scene in the card urges you to begin making your claims as early as possible before others come in. This will give you enough time to gather your evidence else it might be tampered with when the rest come. Make claims on your inner child and let the universe direct you! 

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