Your Arcana Message For Today

Learn how to tread the fine line between simply being stubborn and showing persistence.

Learn how to tread the fine line between simply being stubborn and showing persistence.

The Message of the Day

For today, we have The Emperor to remind us that tenacity in moderation is a great virtue to have. Certain instances require us to be firm in our resolve. At other times, open-mindedness is needed in navigating through trials and tribulations. Stability is more than just being stubborn; it also means the ability to adapt which requires thinking quickly on one's feet.

Now that the whole world is under a crisis for an indefinite period, most of the humans' everyday business is either on temporary suspension or has resumed but subject to strict restrictions. Work and business, for instance, are some of the sectors that are heavily affected by the sudden global shift. For them to resume operations amidst the pandemic, there is a need to come up with new ways in overcoming this obstacle.

Most of the tasks and transactions are now done in a virtual setup—video conference, webinar, live or recorded streaming, and even conference calls. With conference calls to be specific, it has long been used even before the COVID pandemic. Who would have thought that the gradual evolution of conference calls, which now brought us the modern virtual meetings, will play a key role in an unforeseen crisis decades later? 

For today’s message, we follow the same practicality portrayed by The Emperor. Even though it is not guaranteed that it will be easy, applying rationality with a broad perspective immensely assists you in maneuvering through daunting life challenges.

Demanding Situations Require Effective Maneuvering

The human way of living has steadily evolved over the centuries. Thus, it is only natural to have more and more technological advancements being created and utilized within the last decades. Among the innovations that gained relevance throughout the years is the concept of virtual meetings, especially through conference calls. Especially now that the world is undergoing a crisis, conference calls prove to be useful since it balances the dilemma between prioritizing essential job operations and the safety of employees and clients. It bridges the gap through a compromise—by ensuring that the means of communication is still secured minus the risk of disease transmission.

This display of excellent compromisation lives up to the expectation of man’s ingenuity. Humans show stability in terms of constantly moving toward the direction of innovation, where the only way is to move forward. Remaining as is, or worse going backward, is akin to defying the natural flow of time and the biological evolution of humans. Not only it is horrendous—it is also difficult, if not impossible, to live that way in such a fast-paced world. If substantial upgrades have been made to improve the quality and efficiency of tasks when using conference calls, then there is no excuse for a man to delay and avoid adapting to the changing times. Even The Emperor, the very representation of a solid foundation even to the point of rigidity, is open to changes when the need for it arises. 

The Huge Gap between Rigidity and Persistence

The Emperor emphasizes using logic and maintaining stability as crucial elements in getting through a difficult situation. This card is not only well-known for representing the rigid structures in buildings, but also with the rather outmoded norms and ways of thinking. Despite this, even the most stubborn and technologically backward people have learned to adjust in the face of a global health predicament. 

Ironically, one’s stability is measured through their versatility. This is not surprising since adapting to the fluctuating circumstances has been our primal instinct that ensures our survival. Similar to how conference calls are a practical and modern solution in addressing multiple needs during the pandemic, challenging old ways in our society and ourselves needs to take place for our self-improvement and survival. Exhibiting the stubborn qualities of The Emperor without its rationality only leads to our downfall.

In the realm of business and existing in general, survival of the fittest is the name of the game. Multiple experiences in our live show that we are constantly involved, consciously and unconsciously, in a competition to some extent. Our earliest encounters start in our respective homes—such as sibling rivalry and competing for attention against your parents’ job. Even without comparing yourself to other people, your greatest rival is still yourself. Upgrading your skill sets and broadening your point of view are just some of the areas you can start improving. The question here is not so much on initiating these changes upon ourselves out of fear of being left behind. Instead, it is about our willingness to adapt to uncomfortable and sudden situations as part of our learning journey.

Today’s Tip

Recognize which areas of our life could use a little more assertiveness and which ones need to be more open to changes. It is similar to how institutions developed alternative ways to continue their respective operations despite the pandemic—asserting this decision requires a detailed and meticulous plan. Notice how this was only made possible when the different sectors of the society adjusted themselves according to the restrictive situation.

As citizens, we are also directly affected by it—hence, making it inevitable for us to do the same. We should also practice this during times of self-reflection. Just like how conference calls the cooperation of multiple individuals participating in the said activity to make it successful. Before we can be in sync with others, we first have to assess ourselves in terms of our strengths and weaknesses. There needs to be a good judgment in deciding when it is most preferable to adjust and when to stand firm on your ground. In hosting a conference call, you already assume the active role. Maintaining professionalism, being respectful, and establishing authority—multitasking these simultaneously is all part of the job. You do this not just to fulfill your duty or to impress others, but because it is the appropriate thing to do.

In times of technical problems during the conference call, adapting to the situation by quick-thinking all the more boosts your reputation. It is during these moments that displaying a stubborn attitude will certainly backfire. It is only a heroic act when you're standing up for what is right, for yourself, and others. However, it can also easily become a thoughtless and detrimental action when this leads to being intolerant. To put it simply, stubbornness is not the same as persistence. Only you can find out which path you will eventually take.



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