Your Arcana Message For Today

Just like how it is our own doing that we are stuck to the past, we also possess the same power to regain control in turning things around.

Just like how it is our own doing that we are stuck to the past, we also possess the same power to regain control in turning things around.

The Message of the Day

When The Devil card shows up in a tarot reading, it is an indication that there are some aspects you have to let go of permanently. These are the parts of your life that do more harm than good to your overall well-being. This may be in the form of intrusive thoughts, negative habits, unhealthy attachment to persons and things, vices, and maintaining connections with toxic people. 

This is especially true when it comes to being too attached to material possessions. Although this vice may not be as physically and mentally damaging as being addicted to prohibited drugs and alcoholic beverages, being materialistic still does a huge blow on our self-control and priorities. These, in turn, can be destructive to our social relationships, personal growth, and more importantly, our bank account. The detrimental effects skyrocket even further when an avaricious person without self-discipline has a credit card. The abuse of credit cards only leads to a series of unfortunate events—starting with the decline of one’s credit score. It is only the beginning of an adult’s financial nightmare.

Before you will succumb to the deepest pits of despair, start by looking inward and drop the unnecessary baggage you have been carrying this whole time. The message for today requires a great deal of courage to resist your urges and apply temperance the moment you sense you are slowly giving in to your temptations. Taking that single step in correcting your bad habits is a pivotal turn in your personal development.

Unhealthy Attachments are Always a Recipe for Disaster

In the card, the devil is illustrated as a half man and half goat creature sitting on a podium with wings resembling that of a vampire bat. On the center of his head lies an inverted pentagram—where Christianity has associated this to Satanism while divination and occult regard this symbol as the darker side of spiritualism. The Devil is shown raising his right hand while he holds a lit torch upside down on his left hand. Below him is a naked man and woman standing across from each other. They have noticeable horns emerging from their heads and tails on their rear end just like the devil. The chains on their necks, although loose, that still binds them together is affixed to the wall.

There is a lot to unpack based on the symbols that the images in the tarot card suggest. First is that the human, goat, and vampire bat physical attributes of the devil show that human desires are varied and can take in any form. The vampire bat wings suggest that overindulgence is a potent spell that leads its target down to the path of self-destruction—just like how vampires feed through the blood of their unsuspecting victim.

Second, the man and woman standing at the foot of the creature are lovers who have been bound to their lust for worldly possessions and carnal pleasure. It is visible how the chains around their necks are loose, indicating that their will is too weak to remove it by themselves. The dynamic of their relationship and their full submission to their animal desires is what puts them in their current state. The devil is merely a spectator. Third, the burning torch being held in an inverted manner implies that the uncontrollable impulses of man block his vision, thereby making him unaware that he is already going to the wrong path.

In a similar way, it is too easy to fall into a credit card debt trap but hard to escape from once you are in that situation. If you are not careful, this will be a valuable yet distressing lesson. Don’t wait for your credit score to drop before you will make significant adjustments in your spending practices. 

When the Disadvantages Outweigh the Benefits

Do you even notice a tiny voice or thought in your subconscious telling you to do certain acts that give you instant gratification? The allure that immediate pleasure brings temporarily makes us oblivious, if not turning a blind eye, to the dangerous consequences this act may bring. This is like the devil portrayed in the card. But unlike the typical devil that religion has instilled in our minds, the one in the tarot refers to our animalistic and raw desires free from all inhibitions. There is no devil to blame here—we only have ourselves to be held accountable for our poor choices in life. It is even safe to say that this devil within us merely represents the shadow side inherent in every person.

The persistent feeling convincing you that you should possess a certain object is the real devil. Once you surrender to this bait, you are allowing the devil inside you to take over your life. If you are contemplating getting a credit card, you should evaluate yourself first. Do you possess the responsibility it takes to control your wants? If not, are you willing to implement considerable changes to your overall lifestyle and spending? What is your main intention for wanting to have a credit card? Is the need too urgent that you cannot afford to postpone your plans? If your answer to all of the questions above is negative, then it would be better to call off your initial plan. The risk would be greater if you pursue obtaining a credit card rather than the lack of one. 

Today’s Tip

Attachment towards material things is only one facet of bondage that humans will encounter throughout their lifetime. Just like how credit card gives some people the illusion of having endless money, the same can also happen with our emotions and interpersonal connections. Being drowned in credit card debt is similar to being trapped in nostalgia—it clouds our judgment thus affecting our decisions and the future to a greater extent. There might be a family member, close friend, or a previous romantic partner to who you may still have held on to although they are no longer present in your life. This creates a bondage that makes you unable to move forward.

Remind yourself that there is bravery in letting go. Once you gradually take off the heavy load on your shoulders, you will soon find refuge in releasing those things. When you are successful in unlatching the chains, give yourself credit for having the courage to overcome your greatest obstacle—that is, the devil that resides within you.



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