Your Arcana Message For Today

By immersing ourselves in connections and environment that nurtures our inner aspects is a basic form of self-care.

By immersing ourselves in connections and environment that nurtures our inner aspects is a basic form of self-care.

The Message of the Day 

It is a beautiful way to start the day since we have the Ten of Cups as the bearer of the message for today. The Ten of Cups is one of the few cards in the entire tarot deck that signifies authentic and lasting happiness, especially romantic and family matters. However, that's not all there is to this minor arcana card. Since the Ten of Cups also signifies security, abundance, and bliss simultaneously, your physical, mental, or spiritual health is coming into a full circle. Overall, this card indicates all the good stuff you could ever ask for! If heaven were a place on earth, the Ten of Cups would provide the perfect context for it.

Putting the focus on one's physical well-being, we satisfy our medical needs in multiple ways. Yet, the goal stays the same—that is, to preserve the fitness of our bodies.  When discussing medical conditions, it is a common misconception that it is only limited to treatment, control, and aftercare regarding the disease, illness, or injury. Our everyday practices that support preventing many physical conditions are also a crucial component of our medical needs. No sane person would want to put himself in danger. It is part and parcel of our existence and survival to look after ourselves. 

In connecting this to today’s message, we take a step further in materializing success in all forms, starting with our physical health. Identifying which lifestyle practices to retain, improve, and replace enhances and assists us in our journey towards overall emotional and mental fulfillment.

Aiming for Health in All Aspects

Having the Ten of Cups in a personal reading makes you look forward to the future since this thoroughly summarizes man's aspirations. Even judging the card at its face value, one can immediately be at ease based on the pictures alone. We see a man on the left and a woman on the right standing side by side with one of their arms stretching outward. Beside the woman are two children playing joyfully. These characters comprise a loving family, each having a harmonious relationship with the other members. Even with their backs facing the reader, the couple has their eyes set on the blue horizon above. The arrangement of the ten chalices matches the shape of the rainbow. Further into the background is a house surrounded by a lush environment. A stream close is close to where the couple is standing. 

The imageries present in this card are centered on family, love, and home life. The couple refers to enriching ourselves in healthy relationships. At the same time, the two children are our very own inner child—our hopes, fears, source of motivation, and even our insecurities. The home symbolizes comfort and security. Meanwhile, rainbows are a testament that a storm is finally over. This typical happily ever after ending in a fairytale is not too good to be true. Remember that before ten are nine other numbers—and all of these are akin to the required steps before attaining the state of nirvana indicated in the card. When it comes to our health, having a healthy connection to yourself, others, and your surroundings is part of the prevention in our medical needs. It covers physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health—we should strive for this kind of fitness. Putting ourselves first is not selfish; it is merely the first step in attending to our medical needs.

Putting Self-Care in the Priority List

The number ten in the tarot represents the completion of a cycle. As for the Ten of Cups, a chapter ends on a good note leaving the characters in a state of emotional fulfillment. Each of the events that lead up to this victorious ending does not exist without any hint of struggle. The same is also true with our health. Our initial circumstances may put us in an unpleasant position—insecurity on one's body, unhealthy lifestyle, and a health condition, to name a few. All of these directly pertain to the physical aspect and typically need medical supervision.

However, most people overlook the influence that personal connections have on the different facets of health. Investing in social bonds that reinforce mutual growth produces evident results in our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. By keeping this in mind, we place the importance of being around supportive people and having a safe space on equal footing with vitamins, medicines, and health insurance. The effort that we put into being conscious of the medical needs of our bodies should also be the same towards the lesser perceived aspects—our emotions and mental faculties. 

There needs to be an even treatment regarding the inner and outer aspects since these two are closely related. They are two sides of the same coin instead of being separate. Suppose we feed our bodies with nutritious foods along with physical exercise. In that case, we should also enrich ourselves in environments and intimate connections that make us feel emotionally and mentally fulfilled. This fundamental act of self-care deserves to be on par with the usual medical needs.

Today’s Tip

Ensuring one’s fitness consists of seemingly trivial practices and factors that leave a significant impact on us if done consistently on a long-term basis. We might downplay or take for granted the weight that our environment and the people we meet every day affect us. For instance, staying in a toxic relationship will inflict more damage to you the longer it will take you to leave. The same also applies in our homes and the workplace. Even if prevention is not possible, controlling before the situation gets worse is equivalent to addressing the medical needs.

It is also vital that in observing these acts of self-care, do it not for some ulterior motive other than genuinely seeking peace and self-development. Despite the multifaceted nature of health making it almost impossible to attain overall fitness, this should not discourage you. It is not greedy if you wish to have a well-balanced life in all aspects. It only means that you know what you deserve, and only those who tried and persevered can make this dream a reality.



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