Your Tarot Message For Today

You Are Not Too Poor To Donate; There Is Always Something You Can Always Give

You Are Not Too Poor To Donate; There Is Always Something You Can Always Give

Today’s tarot card is the Six of Pentacles. Always remember that the future is not guaranteed and remember to be humble and help those in need because you never know what tomorrow brings. With every sunrise, the sunset is not guaranteed; take care because tables may turn at any hour of the day.

The Six of Pentacles card has a man clothed in a purple robe and he appears to be of high status. This reflects moments when you are doing well in all aspects of your life whether; financially, spiritually, emotionally, or physically. The man holds a weighing scale on one hand which represents you have to weigh the opportunities that are presented to you and find a balance in life. Below the man, are two beggars and the man is issuing some coins to one of the beggars. 

When You Are In A Position To Donate

The Six of Pentacles could indicate that you have abundance hence in a position to donate to those who need it. The ability to donate does not entirely depend on your financial status but the willingness of your heart. You may lack the financial ability to donate material things yet your spirit is full of life which is needed by people who have lost hope. The card indicates that you have been feeling guilty to visit that sick friend in the hospital, prison, and even the orphans just because your finances are unstable. Money can buy many goodies yet there are plenty of precious things that no amount of money can purchase. You may lack the money but you can donate your time and visit that sick friend who has been abandoned in the hospital.

The Six of Pentacles assures you that they will be happy and supposing they had lost the will to live, they will begin to feel alive once more. Visit those elders abandoned in the nursing homes after spending their entire lifetimes taking care of their children yet the children have no time to visit them. Donate your time with them and see them brighten and begin to have hope even when they are in the twilight of their lifetime. Visit those in prisons and donate the life in you to them by giving them hope. You may be surprised to find out that they have lost hope in life because their family members cut ties with them and society branded them as bad people which denied them a chance to change. You will be making a great donation by encouraging them and making them believe in themselves once again. 

The Imbalance In Life

It is funny how on one side there are people with access to excess resources and on the other side, there are people who have no resources. This has created an imbalance in the world which is inevitable and it is the reason why some people will always feel that life is unfair to them. In school, there are people who are naturally bright and will pass their tests yet others have to burn the midnight oil just to understand a single concept. In the workplace, there are workers who are easily recognized and swiftly climb the ladder due to their talents yet others remain in the same position for years.

The Six of Pentacles is indicating that you could be on either side of the weighing scale. If you are the one with the resources, open your heart to making donations to those who lack. If you are on the lacking side, keep working hard and also make donations for the little that you have. You never know when the universe places weight on your side and the entire scale changes. Although it may be difficult to bridge the resources gap, making donations is the right path to follow in an attempt to restore a balance in life.

When In A Leadership Position

The Six of Pentacles can indicate that you are a leader or on your way to taking up a leadership position. As a leader, just like the wealthy man with beggars at his feet, you will have people to work under you. Those you lead will be looking up to you for guidance hence you will need to donate your time to them as well as your leadership skills. Just like the man donating the coins, you will be in a position to donate your knowledge and skills for the betterment of others. The Six of Pentacles warns you against donating coins that have no value so that others can see you are donating and brand you a good leader. This means that you have to give your best shot at leadership and use your abilities and talents to their full capacity.  In addition, you will have an opportunity to handle cases and solve complaints hence do so with wisdom and justice.  

Donors Have No Expectations

Sometimes people make donations just because they feel obligated to or simply because they want to be branded and recognized as good people. This hinders them from experiencing the joy of donation and diverts them from the real purpose of making donations. Just like the wealthy man, they are quick to ensure those who need their donations are on their knees and pleading desperately for help. The Six of Pentacles is a warning that you ought not to undermine others just because they need your help today. Tomorrow might be different and you might find yourself in a position where you need their help. Be a donor who donates and goes their way without expecting even a single word of gratitude. Expectations will only disappoint you and rob your happiness.

Top Tip Of The Day

Everyone has an opportunity to donate yet most give excuses that they fail to donate due to poor finances. Change that mentality and look deeper within then you will realize that you have more than enough. 


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