Your Tarot Message For Today

In The School Of Life Everyone Chooses Their Class; Be Wise!

In The School Of Life Everyone Chooses Their Class; Be Wise!

Today’s tarot card is The Hermit. Having to enrol into a class can be overwhelming especially when done after a long period of time. However, the hermit card appears to signify that it is possible and it is the best decision that one can make in their quest to improve their lives.

The Hermit card has the figure of an old man who seems to be embarking on a journey in the night to signify that when you encounter darkness at any point in your life you ought to decide to get out and look for greener pastures. The old man carries a staff in his left hand to indicate that when things are not going accordingly you need to exercise your authority as a person in total control of their life.

In his right hand, the old man lifts a lantern that seems to guide his way in the dark and this indicates that when it is dark you need to decide to bring light into your life. You might be in a position where you feel like you are being left behind because people around you are more educated thus the Hermit card appears to assure you that your decision to enroll in a class is right and the time is auspicious hence you need not postpone it anymore. May knowledge act as your lantern to guide you in the course of life. 

Knowing When To Sign Up For Classes

In everything that one does in life, identifying the right time is critical and it enhances convenience. You may decide to sign up for a class yet it will not work out in the right manner if the timing is not right. Before making a decision to sign up for classes, evaluate your situation and determine if you should proceed with the decision. You can be able to tell if the timing is right through asking yourself questions such as: Am I ready to commit myself entirely to learning? Am I ready to unlearn what I already know and learn new things? Will I be able to overcome the challenges that come with learning? 

The appearance of the hermit card could indicate that it is time to go out and seek knowledge. Instead of deriving pleasure though residing in your comfort zone, seek to embark on a journey of learning. This could imply that you have been postponing the idea of signing up for classes with the excuse that it is not the right time yet. It might not have been the right time during those moments yet today the hermit card brings you the assurance that things have fallen into place and this is the auspicious time to go face your fear and sign up for classes.

Making The Decision To Begin Classes

Upon getting the assurance that the timing is right one proceeds with the decision to begin classes. You will be faced with plenty of choices such as; choosing the school to enroll in, choosing the time to sign up for, choosing the courses to undertake at a certain time as well as choosing the time to begin classes. You will need to be very careful since whatever choice you make will have on the nature of your classes thus you cannot afford to make a mistake.

Like the man in the hermit card embarking on a journey in the night, life requires you to make certain choices even when there is no hope. Some choices and assignments will require you to be alone hence the universe will push you into a road that you have to walk alone. Through walking alone, you will be in a position to understand yourself better after paying attention to your strengths and weaknesses as well as learning how to deal with your demons. The path you have chosen may not be the easy path yet you have to keep walking regardless. When you have no idea on where to put your foot next, the universe will always send you a sign because you are never alone in this journey. 

Reaping The Best From The Classes of Life

In the school of life, there will always be many classes that will teach you lessons that are not in the educational curriculum. You may be excellent in school and yet become a bad student in the school of life. Majority of the people fail in the school of life since; it has no rule and regulations to monitor the students, it has no bell to alert students when it is time to wake up, it has no timetable to ensure students manage their time well, no guidance on what classes one should sign up for and worse still, there is no standard exam or grading system. Majority of the people fail since they are busy trying to copy others yet everyone has their own exam and assignments.

The hermit card is here to remind you that you need to do a soul search to find out the things that you enjoy in life as well as your passions since this is the genesis of reaping the best from the classes that life throws at you and emerging as a good student. Whenever you are unsure of the classes to sign up for in the school of life, pick up your stuff, light your lantern and let the universe guide you .

Top Tip Of The Day

Signing up for classes is a great decision for one to expand their knowledge. However, the hermit card requires you to identify the right time and thereafter make a decision to sign up for classes. This card is a reminder that the school of life is the most tricky school hence you need to be careful, follow your own journey and choose your own courses for you are unique and so is your destiny. The hermit card appears to let you know that you may proceed with your decision to sign up for classes. 

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