Your Tarot Message For Today

Whenever You Are Scared Of The Dark Remember That The Moon Shines Brightest During The Darkest Days.

Whenever You Are Scared Of The Dark Remember That The Moon Shines Brightest During The Darkest Days.

Today’s tarot card is the moon. When the night is too dark, the moon is always there to light your path so you can see the path clearly. You have been sacrificing too much for others at the expense of your light which has now left you lost in the dark. If you do not get an attorney now, you might get overworked and your brightness may not last as long as it is supposed to.  

The card itself shows a human face inside the full moon looking down and sad. This is to signify the sadness in your heart even when your face is glowing and you exhibit happiness as a facade. The card also has creatures looking up to the moon and immersing themselves in its brightness. This signifies the numerous people who are always looking up for you to guide them and bring brightness to their lives. You have been exerting too much pressure on yourself that you want to achieve everything at once like some superpower. You are trying to carry the entire world on your shoulders forgetting that you are fragile hence they can easily crush you. The human face on the moon is to remind you that you are human and it is okay to act like a human. Your humanity is your strength and not your weakness. 

Get An Attorney

It can be very uncomfortable opening up to someone on the issues that are bothering you especially if they are very personal. It is even harder getting someone you get to be accountable to. However, it is deadly to keep hiding your pain and hurting from within. The sad face on the moon is warning you that you should open up your heart and stop fighting your battles alone. Get someone you trust and give them the power to take the mantle on your behalf. If you keep ignoring your pain, it will consume you and your brightness will fade away. 

Right now you are at the stage where life has become too busy and you have plenty of things to attend to. You enjoy doing your work perfectly which hinders you from granting the power of attorney to someone else to help you. You often doubt that their work will be half as good as yours. Before things get out of hand and some of your brightness fades, get someone you trust, train them what they need to know, and once you are satisfied with their work go ahead and grant them your power of attorney. 

Those Looking Up To You

Even without intending to, your excellence in everything you do has attracted plenty of people to look up to you. They are watching as you make moves and closely following you. With the light emanating from you, they are constantly amazed by the excellent things that you are doing and they no longer want to be in the dark. While it can be overwhelming to have people look up to you, it is a good thing since it is evidence that you are on the right track. As long as you can make a difference in them, then keep moving and lighting their paths. It does not matter who benefits from the light emanating from you, what matters is that you are the source of the light and you have done your best in accomplishing that. 

Be Unique

By virtue of being a human being, you possess the power of attorney and you can act in whatever manner you desire. Sometimes if you are not careful you may end up misusing this power and lose yourself in the process.  Although it has been so challenging to be your true self, you need to accept yourself, believe in your capabilities, and let the world experience the unique being that you are. Embrace your inner self since your mission and purpose in the universe is unique and so is your journey.  Although you may feel like your journey is a little bit rougher and longer, do not despair; you are well equipped for it and strong enough to complete it successfully.  Just like the moon, appreciate the darkness and loneliness in your path since it will not last forever. Delight in the road that you think is curved so that you will create memories and enjoy them before the journey ends. Dawn will soon be here and your purpose will no longer be significant. 

Knowing When To Stop

Just as the animals in the card can neither see the heart of the moon nor understand the cause of sadness since they are only concerned with the light they receive, you need to know that people will not always see your sorrow even when you want them to. You have been expecting that someone will see your commitment and the pain in your heart. You think that perhaps if you worked a little bit harder, someone will recognize you and perhaps give you a break. The bitter truth is that; people can really pretend not to see when one is in pain even if they are the cause of pain. Stop overworking yourself and working too hard to please people who do not care about your existence. The full moon does not last throughout the year, you too need to read the seasons and learn when it is time to stop.

Today’s Top Tip

It is noble and good to take care of other people and light their path so that they cannot get lost as well as help the lost find their way again. However, it is tragic if your own light goes off and you are not able to reignite it just because you emptied all the oil to others, and you were left with nothing. While taking care of the rest of the world, do not neglect yourself and forget that you need the same kind of care you are giving out. 




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