Your Tarot Message For Today

Trading in the Market of Life

Trading in the Market of Life

On the deck today is the Temperance tarot card and it appears to inform you that you ought to be careful when making any trade transactions so that you do not end up duped. Life is full of transactions on a daily basis and it is a market that contains different types of traders. Some traders are in the market with the agenda of carrying out legit business deals, some are focused on duping those who are not familiar with the rules of the marketplace, others are just passing time while others are there to distract the serious traders. 

The upright Temperance card indicates that you need to embark on the path of moderation in life to ensure that you are on the safe side. Although the rules of trade sometimes imply that you will get more returns if you invest more, this card calls for caution. It implies that you cannot let your emotions rule you thus you have to be reasonable and not trust blindly. Not everyone in your life means well for you thus you ought to be careful before trusting them.

It may appear as though you are being too unreasonable just because you are cautious but the reality is that better caution than regret. The woman on the Temperance card dips her foot in water instead of both feet and this is a call for you to be cautious. The marketplace of life may appear safe and if you get into it without assessing the dangers that may arise then you will have nobody to blame when you drown. Moderation may seem outdated but it is the surest way to ensure safety; as they say “Better safe than sure.”

The reversed Temperance card might indicate that you are conflicting with the people around you because you are not ready to listen to them and accommodate them. It might be at work where you are not in good terms with your co-workers because you do not find them appealing to you or buying into your ideologies, it might also be your boss whom you think is not treating you with the treatment that you deserve just because you are envious of their lifestyle regardless of the sacrifices that they have made, it might be your fellow students whom you are not in good terms because you feel that they are performing better than you instead of collaborating with them to understand why they are doing better. With the reversed Temperance card, the universe is trying to warn you that you need to look deeper into your inner self and establish a balance. Have faith in your abilities and do not feel intimidated by others. 

The universe seeks to inform you that the law of trading in life implies that you stay alert and watch for any impending danger that may arise. Regardless of the situation,  the universe will always send you warning signs when things seem to be going wrong and you might miss out on them if you pay no attention. 

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