Your Arcana Message For Today

Leaders Set The Strategy Of Getting To The Future Once They Establish The Vision.

Leaders Set The Strategy Of Getting To The Future Once They Establish The Vision.

Today’s tarot card is Death. As fearful as that may sound, it does not mean the actual death of any individual, rather it is a season of new beginnings. Have you ever had a desire to own something, that you probably haven’t seen anyone own in your life? Whenever you imagine your own home, beautiful as you imagined, where you can do whatever to it to suit your taste, it seems like a far-fetched idea. However, there is nothing unachievable under the sun, considering there is an option of paying a mortgage. Whatever you want you can surely get if you put your mind to it. 


You have been in situations which you have conquered and now that you look back, you wonder where you gathered the strength to do so. Life has mysteriously unfolded itself before you and now whatever looked like a frightening thing, at the back of your head you believe you can conquer it. You are getting into new ventures that will change your life, brace yourself to enjoy this journey and learn, as hard as it may be at some point focus on the end goal. The death card calls to you to be ready to unleash your potential and go for what you want.


Embrace Change.

Owning a home is a wonderful thing and a long-term investment. You will not have to do it over and over again. You may have been used to living in an apartment, and this can be a whole new different experience for you. When you have a mortgage to pay it is not an easy journey, you have this monthly payment that you need to constantly make until the debt is fully cleared.


The payments require you to adjust your life, you cannot continue spending money however you want. Mortgage payments make you stick to a budget and put consideration into every way your money is spent. Do not let it wear you out because such results are worth it in the end. Whatever change you get can be uncomfortable at first, but change is inevitable, and whether you like it or not it will happen at some point.


You may have wanted to pursue something in your life which won’t be easy at first. You may have closed yourself up from the world to feel safe. Seclusion may make you feel okay since no one is there to judge you and you have resulted to think you are an introvert who does not enjoy the company of others. There were times when you were bubbly and you interacted with people freely. As you moved ahead with the experiences you have gotten you started to feel anxiety and unable to fully give yourself to others.  


The Death card is not here to entertain any self-isolation and it awakens you to start living. You will find yourself in situations where you are forced out of your comfort zone. You will have to dare to face your fears. You will meet people who will support you to stand out and engage and share yourself with others. In the card, there are people including a king and other commoners pleading with the death figure, this means that there is no one who can stop change.


The transformation the Death card brings you can be difficult for you at first, it may challenge you to open up about any traumatic experiences you had that shut you in, but it will bring newness of life in you. You should try not to resist this change, as it will only make this transition difficult. Let whatever happens to happen, even if there will be those who criticize you or make fun of the steps you are taking, do not stop because the place you are moving to is full of liberty.


Mortgage Is Ultimately Rewarding.

You may feel the pinch of making monthly payments of huge amounts of money on a mortgage. However, a house you bought out of mortgage will last long after you have finished paying for it and you have fully owned it.  Your children will get to experience the comfort of being in their own home and you won’t have to struggle with rent payments. Other than mortgages, there are other areas of your life where you have put most of your effort and you are counting on it to grow.


You may have decided to further your studies and made sacrifices for it. Sometimes you wonder if it is worth it because you may be struggling with it so much. Staying late nights, sticking on a tight budget, and sacrificing having a social life. You probably feel like you are missing out on much in the world, but this is an illusion to make you feel impatient.


The Death card shows you that all your efforts will be rewarded. In the card, the death symbol is a skeleton figure on top of a horse, the skeleton is the part of the body that remains when someone dies, this symbolizes that your hard work and what you will achieve will outlive you. It also serves as encouragement to see the bigger picture and not take your effort for granted. As much as this period may be difficult, believe that it will always have a positive outcome.


Top Tip Of The Day.

Do not be too dependent on anything that is not working for you. Always remember the only sure thing about life is that it changes. If you find yourself uncomfortable in the position you are in, find a way out. The universe will also work to force you to move in case you feel like you won’t. The Death card may be insisting that you jump all in on the new opportunities you get. Whenever you get stuck during these changes, do not stick your head in the sand, try and make any necessary changes and you will experience a turnaround in the situation.


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