Your Arcana Message For Today

As a means of maintaining your mental health, only pour into cups that are also pouring into yours.

As a means of maintaining your mental health, only pour into cups that are also pouring into yours.

The Message of the Day

If you have experienced lately that there is little to no improvement in a certain situation, today might be the day things will finally start looking up. This auspicious indicator of the foreseeable future is guided with the help of The Star card. Our tarot card for today symbolizes hope, tranquility, and healing. This is an opportune moment for us to start or continue our respective goals—whether it is related to relationships, career, or recovery in our well-being. 

Especially with regards to health, this is a favorable sign that you will soon reap the hard-earned fruits of your labor. Putting in a considerable amount of effort in maintaining your overall fitness is possible by exercising, switching to a healthier diet, religiously taking food supplements, avoiding harmful substances, and sticking to prescribed treatments if diagnosed with a disease. Not only you are actively taking care of your health, but your determination in investing in your future is also proven in your valiant display of self-restraint. Even when you are diagnosed with a chronic illness, there is still hope as long as you have been faithfully following the medical treatments prescribed to you.

Turning Things Around, for the Better

Our noble actions coupled with the pleasant news brought by The Star indicate that all the efforts devoted to maintaining our health have not gone to waste. Specifically about existing and recently diagnosed health conditions, we can still anticipate progress in our current circumstances. This is the moment when we have to make the most out of a situation despite the odds being not in our favor. While it is only natural to feel dejected and wonder what you did to end up in such an ill-fated situation, you also can turn things the other way around. Your treatment towards a person or event can turn a crisis into an opportunity just as much as an awaited chance can go backfire. 

Whenever you’re feeling under the weather, seize the moment to acquire as much rest as you can. Take it as a hint that your body is telling you to indulge more in healthier activities, habits, thinking, and sustenance. You could have neglected your well-being either by excessively intaking non-nutritional food, beverages, behaviors, and even mindset or being extremely exposed to stressful situations without any outlet for releasing the pressure off your shoulders. Treatment does not only involve the physical aspect; it also entails fixing the internal. For the treatment to be long-lasting and effective, significant changes in an individual's lifestyle must also take place.

Try to imagine a person with hypertension who consistently takes their prescribed treatments yet continues to consume products that are high in fat. By doing this, you are not only exposing yourself to high-risk situations under the illusion that it will still produce a fruitful outcome, but you are also flushing all the effort, time, and money down the drain. Reinforce your self-discipline before your situation will turn into a worst-case scenario. 

Exerting Effort onto Things that Matter

The Star is a card indicating hope and recovery. The naked woman in the card holds two water containers—one in each hand—while kneeling at the mouth of a small body of water. Her left side has her foot stepping on the water and her hand pouring the water from the vessel onto the pool. Meanwhile, both her right foot and hand are positioned on the solid fertile ground. From here, one can infer that this is an illustration of the efficient distribution of energy as a resource. The subject, consistency, and frequency of the areas we water show our determination and the value we associate with these things.

People usually express how much they value their health and other things only through lip service. Deeds alone can determine the authenticity of a person’s declarations. If our wellness is truly our primary concern, we strive to put in the effort to make this a reality. This is even more emphasized for patients undergoing various treatments—medications, therapy, and others. While it is true that no person wants to be stuck in an unfavorable situation, unfortunately not everyone possesses the will and appropriate actions to match their words.

We aim to be like the woman in the card—utilizing good judgment in where to pour her vessel for her development instead of taking down others. We can draw inspiration from the woman by being selective in where we apply our resources, most especially our time and energy. Hence, the ways we can attest to how much we prioritize our health and recovery are being consistent and completing a given treatment along with substantial changes in one’s diet and practicing self-discipline.

Today’s Tip

Avoiding sickness, whether mild or chronic, earns the right of being included in every person's long-term goals. However, it is unfortunate that we cannot help but to succumb several diseases throughout our lifetime. Vaccines and treatments assist us in achieving the healthiest possible condition we can ever attain.  Making something positive out of unfortunate predicaments is possible only if we allow ourselves to. 

Part of preserving our health is the need to realign our goals and allocate whatever limited resources we have. No matter how much money you have saved, it is still at risk of being depleted by constantly going in and out of the hospital due to poor health conditions. Even our energy and time should be allocated properly. In an ideal situation, we devote one-third of the entire day sleeping—an integral component of our physical and mental well-being. Making time for activities essential to our wellness is the goal. Pouring into cups that are also pouring into yours—this message is perfectly demonstrated in The Star card.

The relevance of this lesson goes beyond matters relating to physical health. The card also tells us that we nurture our mental health by surrounding ourselves in mutually enriching social relationships. Since time is a limited resource, we should only be dedicating it to a select number of people. When we pour into the cups of others, it is also vital to make sure that yours will not be depleted in return. Keeping the balance allows the natural flow of the cycle to continue.




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