Your Arcana Message For Today

Your Strength Lies In The Faithfulness You Have When Handling Small Matters.

Your Strength Lies In The Faithfulness You Have When Handling Small Matters.

Today’s card is the High Priestess. Often humans think that things that happen to them are ordinary and will just eventually pass away, but what if other forces cause those things to happen? What if some things are meant to trigger your inner growth and for you to connect deeper with yourself? You have been feeling frustrated by the circumstances you are in and you are almost throwing in your towel to let issues take their course however way. This is the time to find a different perspective and create a deep connection with your spiritual self that nothing from outside will shake what you have become.

In the card, the High Priestess is sitting between two pillars with letters carved on them. J for Jachin which is a pillar that represents establishment and B for Boaz which is the pillar of strength. The two pillars also represent the two forces around you, the negative and the positive. This could indicate that you are in a state of dilemma and you are in a state of confusion on the path to embark on. The High Priestess sitting between the pillars shows that it is your responsibility to create a balance between the two forces.

You may be feeling that you are on the path between where you believe that both pillars are equal and there are things you can learn from both the good and the bad side. She also wears a veil to signify the separation of your conscious and subconscious self; what you see and what you don’t. The high Priestess holds a scroll that is partially covered which shows sacred knowledge that will only be revealed when you are ready to look beyond material things. It can indicate that things may not always be as you see them as there are things that you are yet to discover in your life.

Get Knowledge About Your Medical Needs.

When you are having a medical need, you take it upon yourself to get as much information as possible on what you need to do and how to contain it. You must become equipped with information for you to know how to manage it. Often it is situations people are in that make them desire to know more about an issue. You have been seeking deeper knowledge to explain what you are going through. You are trying to understand the reasons behind it as your intuition tells you there is more to it. This is the time to tap into your inner self.

In the card, the High Priestess is wearing the veil to show the connection between your subconscious and conscious self. You now can relate your seen life to your unseen. Your intuitive self is giving you useful information that will help you understand things more. You are getting more knowledge on how to fix issues that you wouldn’t have known how to solve rationally. This is the time to tap and trust your intuition, meditate and take your time to listen to your inner voice. Look for areas in your life that need balance and fix them.

It Is Okay To Be Vulnerable.

Medical needs require attention. You cannot ignore it, and the more you try, the worse it gets. When you are going through a health problem, it is okay to talk about it and be scared. You should be able to address the issue until you get to a space of comfort. This applies to all areas of your life, you are not any less when you are vulnerable. 

The High Priestess is a sign that you should tap into the divine feminine. Be connected to your intuition, empathy, compassion, and your inner wisdom. Regardless of your gender, it is important to balance using both your feminine and masculine energies. This is the time to give your feminine side some attention. Allow yourself to feel, create and collaborate. This is not the time to think, destroy or compete. Your masculine energy may be strong but choose to trust your feminine side. Be proud of who you are, that you can trust, sense, and empathize instead of hiding away your feelings.

Be Optimistic.

The beginning of any healing starts from the mind. The perspective you form after knowing what is going on around you dictates the outcome of the situation. For example, a person who has a medical need may choose to wallow in pity and feel misunderstood, this condition becomes quite burdensome to them. On the other hand, someone else may choose to see the positive side and just do what they are needed to do and hope for a better outcome, even though it can take a toll on them sometimes. This is a call to manifest the outcome you want, to connect with your inner self, and create positive energy even in your spirit. 

The High Priestess standing between the pillars signifies that you have to balance your negative and positive energies, do not be weighed down. You have the ability to travel between these spaces effortlessly. Even though other influences could be at play in your life, choose to believe that things will turn out for your good. The High Priestess takes you through a veil of awareness, she offers you an intuitive and deep understanding of the universe. Y

ou are in a position to be more aware of the secrets of life and to get sacred information. Allow your life situations to give you a better perspective on life. Let them teach you things that you otherwise wouldn’t have known. If you go through things in life, good and bad, just for the sake of it, you will have beaten the whole purpose of it. You are more than what you see, tap into both sides of your being.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Trust yourself first regardless of your circumstances. Develop your intuition and let that be a guide to you on whether you are going on the right path or not. Anything can happen to anyone, be strong in your inner self, it will act as a shield when going through tough times. Don’t doubt yourself, it is not silly to trust what you feel.


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