Your Arcana Message For Today

Good Relationships Are Like Flowers; If You Fail To Maintain Them Well, They Will Wither.

Good Relationships Are Like Flowers; If You Fail To Maintain Them Well, They Will Wither.

Today’s tarot card is the Six of Cups. Whenever you feel like you are losing touch with the people close to you, it is time to check up on them. Settle any differences you may have and celebrate the benefits of loyal relationships.

In the Six of Cups card, there are six cups filled with flowers to represent it is a time for achievements and accomplishments in your life. Two children are portrayed where an elder child gives the younger child one cup of flowers. This indicates that you ought to share your success with others who need it as well as maintain your relationships with others. The flowers in the card are white to indicate the platonic relationships in your life that you need to maintain. 

Letting Go Of The Past Grudges

The Six of Cups can indicate that you could be harboring grudges that were born in the past and they are restricting you from enjoying a good relationship with your childhood friends. A friend might have wronged you in the past yet you are too hesitant to overlook their mistakes. Instead of communicating and finding a solution, you are too egoistic and you keep avoiding them. Remember what it was like when you were an inseparable team and your friendship circle was strengthened by the memories you made as children. The Six of Cups shows that this is the right time to put your ego aside and put up those friends on a conference call. While bitterness might be felt at the beginning of the conference call, ensure to stay calm and let them know that you hold no grudge against them anymore. 

Conference Call Your Family And Appreciate Them

The Six of Cups can indicate that there are people who are always filling your cup with knowledge and good counsel. Like the elder child gifting the younger one a cup of flowers, they are always guiding you along the path and showing you the right direction to follow. Most of the time you forget to celebrate them and assume that they have to provide for you. Other times you run away from their presence immediately after they have filled your cup by cutting contact. You never talk to them until your cup is empty again and you suddenly remember their existence. You could be taking their support for granted even when they are always going the extra mile to fill your cup. They could be emptying their cups to fill yours yet you are blind to that fact. Although your family members are far away from you, the Six of Cups shows that you need to put them up on a conference call and express your gratitude. Make them feel that they play an important role in your growth and their presence in your life has made a positive impact. You may be surprised that a random appreciation conference call is enough to bring happiness to them and they will never forget it. They will always be ready to fill your cup.

Put Up Your Mentees On A Conference Call

The Six of Cups can indicate that you have been a role model and there are plenty of young people looking up to you. You are constantly receiving requests to mentor them and others are just amazed by the way you handle yourself and do your things. You act like a candle burning yourself so that you may light their paths without expecting anything in return. Although you may not see the results at the moment, the universe is proud of you and acknowledges the difference you are making in the world. There may be no one cheering you but the universe feels your positive energy. The Six of Cups calls you to keep filling their cups with the best and most appropriate flowers. Create a network among them, put them up on a conference call, and let them know each other. During the call, let them engage with each other so that you will be able to realize their strengths and weaknesses. You may realize that some are poor in communication skills, others excel in leadership while others need to improve on their emotional intelligence. By the end of a single conference call, you will realize that every mentee is unique with different needs and their cups are different. This will enable you to know the type of flowers to present to each mentee. You are doing a nice job; keep doing your best!

Adding Flowers Into Your Relationships

The Six of Cups could indicate that you have distanced yourselves from your friends. Although these are not romantic relationships, these are the friends who became family and their loyalty has been proven with time. You could be ignoring these friendships and not investing in them simply because you do not feel they are that important. Sometimes you are just used to the routine of these friends checking up on you that you ignore the fact that they are human and they may feel the energy they are putting into the relationship is not reciprocated. The result will be that they will often go silent on you and focus on the relationships where they receive as much energy as they are emitting. When that happens, it is not that they love you any less, they also need a shoulder to lean on. The Six of Cups is showing you that it is time to brighten your dull relationships by being the bigger person and offering them your shoulder. Put them up on a conference call and restore your friendship, this is the surest way to ensure the flowers of your relationships never wither.

Top Tip Of The Day

Life is a series of unending activities that are always making you busy and engaged. Many are the times you get too busy and forget to appreciate the people who make a difference in your life. You fail to check up on them which negatively affects your relationships making you always on the receiving end. It is time to reciprocate and offer yourself to them; make them feel appreciated too. 


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