Your Arcana Message For Today

It Is The Hope That Something Better Will Happen That Keeps You Holding On To Things Not Wanting To Let Go.

It Is The Hope That Something Better Will Happen That Keeps You Holding On To Things Not Wanting To Let Go.

Today’s tarot card is the Five of Swords.  Winning is good, but at what expense? You may want to win and be right but if hurting others is a price you have to pay; you may want to reconsider if it is worth it.  Some things in your life are invaluable, for example, the good relationships you have. Compromising where the need is and seeing the other person shine in something that is equally important to them and is the key to maintaining healthy relationships.

The Five of Swords card shows a man who has a look of contempt on his face. He is looking at the enemies that he has managed to fight and conquer. There are five swords that he now has, which he has managed to take from the other fighters. Two other people are slowly walking away from him with a sense of loss, defeat, and sadness. Above them, the sky is cloudy and stormy, which indicates that everything is not well, even though the battle is already over.

Medical Needs Are Highly Ignored.

Many times, medical practitioners have prioritized money more than people’s health. It has become a vicious cycle that no one wins because the patient suffers and the doctor’s work seems to not bear fruit because the priorities are misaligned and the people are not the main focus anymore. People have resulted in getting personal doctors who will give them special attention and care.

Similarly, you have been getting into conflict with other people because of your focus on the wrong things. You cannot ignore things that are important to someone else and hope that they continuously stick with you. The Five of Swords is calling out to you to pick your battles. You may be tempted to defend yourself when you are feeling threatened or challenged and you want to fight every conflict to get your way. You have to know what to ignore and what to give attention to. You will be able to have a peaceful existence and your relationships are likely to become stronger.

Apologize When You Are Wrong.

You will not always go scot-free when you hurt other people. You may think you are right in your mind, but the impression you gave hurt another person. You have to try and understand other people’s perspectives to avoid having unnecessary conflicts. In the card, the Man has a contemptuous look, he seems satisfied in himself, despite the other two men walking away in dissatisfaction. You might think you will recover your failing relationships only to lose the people completely after you watched them leave.

You may be engaging in a conflict and you see it affecting your relationship, the Five of Swords is an invitation to apologize. The more you wait to see who does it first, the more difficult the relationship will become. Be ready to make amends and admit it when you are wrong. There will never be any sense in trying to justify your behavior; learn from it, let go and move on. Seek common ground with the people you have been fighting with and put the event past you. Forgiveness and understanding each other are a need in any healthy relationship.

Medical Needs Require Keen Attention.

Anyone having a medical need can attest to the continuous struggle to put a condition in check. It ends up draining you financially, health-wise and prevents you from living a complete life. Sometimes you fight it, and just when you think you are doing fine, you get worse results. You may have done something to profit yourself, only to lose too much than you would know. You are called to give keen attention to the things you involve yourself in and see if the results favor you. Having an open mind that things may work out or not will keep you from being highly disappointed.

Take an example where you are involved in an argument, even if you come out as an apparent victor, you soon get to realize that you lost more than your opponent. The argument has cost you respect, dignity, trust, and isolated you. As you try to pick up the pieces and fix your relationship, you find it more difficult than you thought; others are keeping their distance and have lost faith in you. This card urges you to give keen attention to the things you do.

You Give Your Best Before You Fail.

Medical needs can have detrimental outcomes on people’s health. Even when you know a disease is terminal, you still do your best to fight it to the best of your capability, be it financial or staying emotionally strong, but sometimes you just fail. You may try so much to stay afloat, you may think everyone is standing against you and you feel threatened, but you have to embrace the thought that even if you fail after giving your best, at least you tried.

The Five of Swords can indicate failure. The two men who were in battle walking away in defeat means that despite your best efforts, sometimes you are likely to come out as the loser. Do not be disillusioned after experiencing loss, avoid walking the path of torment and ruin. Accept your defeat and do better next time, in this life where you will learn something new every day.

Top Tip Of The Day.

You can get yourself in a situation where you try to work out to bring good results, but instead, you start walking through a path of self-engrossment. Stop and think about others too, and the impact you are leaving behind wherever you go. Selflessness will go a long way to reward you for things you couldn’t have bought with money. Let integrity lead you and a pure genuineness to see others succeed too. The top can be lonely if you use other people as stepping stones. Who will be there to sit at that table?


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