Your Arcana Message For Today

Choosing to Spread Happiness in a Sad World

Choosing to Spread Happiness in a Sad World

On the deck today is the Lovers tarot card. Love is the medicine that has the potential to heal the world. The upright Lovers card symbolises happiness that is brought along by love. On it is an image of two people; a male and a female. They are naked in a beautiful garden and behind them is a tree with fruits but engulfed by a snake and another tree with flowers. Above them is an angel who seems to be covering them from the scorching sun. The sun signifies the brilliance and radiance that one glows with when they are happy. 

The Lovers card could indicate that you are a cheerful person and you do not let the pressure of life take away your happiness. Even when your life is not turning out accordingly, you do not let that rob your joy. Most people tend to wonder what is the source of your happiness because they cannot fathom how one can remain joyful even through tough economic times. Whenever you experience the storms of life, you do not let them drown you but instead you hold on tightly with a smile on your face. With your personality, the Lovers card indicates that you have been chosen to give a happiness loan to those who are sad until they can find their own happiness and become stable. 

By being chosen to be a supplier of the happiness loan, it means that you have stood the tests of time and become certified. You have encountered problems yet you have not allowed them to take a toll on you. You have encountered fire but instead of letting it burn you, it has forged you. When life threw you in the dark, you ignited your inner fire to guide you and you were able to find your path. Although the receivers of the happiness loan may think that you were born happy or your life has been a smooth path, let them know that it has not always been easy. Make them realise that being happy was a decision you had to make else because you understood the risk it would cause you if you allowed your challenges to define you. By disclosing this to them before giving them the happiness loan, they will be able to find their own happiness faster than normal thus shortening the repayment period.

While issuing the happiness loan, let the receivers consent that they have understood the terms of repayment. The repayment currency will be to spread the same happiness to others once they find theirs. It will be to help others find their light and this will ensure the world becomes a better place. It is by being happy that they will be able to recognize the numerous blessings of the universe as well as appreciate everything around them. 

Like the angel on the card, the universe will always watch over you as you take up your call and be an ambassador of spreading happiness. Go forth and take up your happiness mission!

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