Your Arcana Message For Today

Learn from your past experiences and use it to your advantage when faced with unfamiliar and intimidating challenges.

Learn from your past experiences and use it to your advantage when faced with unfamiliar and intimidating challenges.

The Message of the Day

The tarot card for the day is Strength. Each one of us has our respective strong suits. It may start simply as a raw talent. However, you will eventually hone it to become a refined skill. Each stage of development serves as an indicator of your progress. Knowing the specific areas you have already mastered is equally important for those aspects that are beyond your limit. No matter which facet this may pertain to, it will always involve learning.

This may not be related to the traditional education system or in an online class setup, but the very essence of gaining knowledge remains the same. The road to accessing and utilizing wisdom may be a thorny one. Yet despite this, giving up without putting in the effort first should not be an option.

As of the moment, you may be at a crossroads. Perhaps you are shifting to a new course in college, switching career paths, or even moving far away for a job. And for this, you will need to rely on past experiences to help you navigate in an unfamiliar situation. The strengths you have now will be put into good use in the pursuit of your aspirations.

Determine Your Forte First

One of the assets of humans lies in their flexibility to adapt to any situation. True enough, it has become the key to our survival in any crisis we had already faced and will still encounter in the future. Looking at the tarot card, we see a woman and a lion. What sets us, humans, apart from other living creatures is that only our kind possess the intellect and capacity to store any knowledge for future use.

Brute force alone does not allow the woman in the card to have total dominance over the lion. The strength indicated here transcends the limitations of pure physical force. Just as how the woman has tamed the lion, possibilities that lie outside the box of conformity can come into fruition. That is, only if you have what it takes to make it happen. Comparing this example to the present day, the concept of online classes before the age of technology was foreign and entirely impractical. Classes were conducted solely in a classroom centuries ago. Who would have thought that the impossible became possible?

Now that online class is a fully functioning method of education, man is no longer confined in the traditional ways of learning. Conducting online classes has even proved useful during the early stages of the COVID pandemic. Other sudden disasters such as this can be unavoidable, but this does not mean mankind is completely helpless. Man constantly sets a new boundary to accomplish, and with each time he goes beyond his previous goals.

Your vantage point could be your well-balanced foresight and hindsight. For others, it could be their astonishingly accurate intuition. Although men may vary in terms of their strengths, enhancing these innate skills is a fact that applies to any other abilities. Your noble quest towards upgrading your current circumstances will eventually be at the palm of your hand.

The Multiple Paths Towards a Single Goal

The online class system marks a recently established milestone in the way humans attain education. Even if we think we are the most intelligent beings who ever lived, the things that are still unknown to us are far greater compared to those we have already learned. We continuously discover one new fact every single day. It seems like our brains are meant to absorb endless amounts of information.

Through online classes, it has only proved that the current ways will gradually evolve into something more advanced. Aside from this, adapting to the ever-changing nature of times increases our chances of surviving especially during the outbreak of a fatal and contagious disease. Once you are aware and accept that nothing will stay the same indefinitely, it will enable you to transition from different approaches and practices. Even if flexibility is not your strongest suit, you will find yourself in a more advantageous position than before.

Purely academic information is not the only thing you can learn from online classes. This kind of setup also emphasizes the importance of knowing the practical ways of navigating this complex and vast world. The current times ask you to be street-smart instead of relying strictly on being book-smart. Instead of focusing on how to beat a ferocious beast such as a lion using your bare hands, you should pay attention to controlling the animal in ways that do not solely involve physical strength. It is possible by taming and befriending it. There is a vast difference in terms of methods, yet the outcome is roughly the same.

Often in real life, we have the freedom to choose from among the many routes we can take towards a single destination. Where option A is not feasible, surely there will still be at least one alternative. Picking the morally proper, comfortable, and most effective option is left at your disposal. Will you make the right choice?

Today’s Tip

The hardship you encounter now may be as daunting as the lion indicated in the card. You can only assume that the greater the obstacle, the more valuable a target will be. The people, things, and environments that have assisted in your survival up until now are proof that you will overcome this phase once more.

It is inevitable to be disheartened at times. You may even find yourself comparing yourself to others. The degree of difficulty always varies from person to person. For instance, enrolling in an online class may pose more challenges than the customary classroom setup. However, be reminded that adapting to new circumstances has always been man’s forte. After all, that is how our primitive ancestors survived thousands of years ago.

Give yourself credit for all that you have endured and accomplished so far. Even if someone else's achievements are far more superior to yours, this does not mean your efforts have gone to waste. Strength comes in multiple forms, even to the extent of accepting the reality that some people are naturally more adept than you are in certain aspects. Acknowledge this part in you so you can free yourself from the vicious voices that reside within you.


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