Your Arcana Message For Today

The Future Has Equally As Much Influence In Your Present As The Past Does.

The Future Has Equally As Much Influence In Your Present As The Past Does.

Today’s card is the Star. It is important to have a driving force towards something. Your hope is increased and you are encouraged to press on even when it gets tough because you know there is a goal that you want to achieve. You have been working hard to create a good present and future for your loved ones. Do not be discouraged by the pressures that surround your situation. Take pride in that you are doing the best you can and eventually everything will align itself for your good.

In the Star card, a naked woman kneels at the edge of a small pond and her nakedness is a representation of your purity and vulnerability while facing life which is presenting to you the many possibilities that can happen. The woman holds two containers of water, one on her right to symbolize your conscious self and the other on her left to show your subconscious part. She pours water out of the pond and this indicates the continuation of the cycle of fertility and nourishes the earth which is shown by the green foliage around her.

The other container pours water out in five channels and this indicates that you have the five common senses and you need to utilize them to bring development for yourself. The woman has one foot in the water to represent your inner self and the other foot on the ground to represent your good common sense, and how you have practical abilities. 

Mortgage Payments Adjusts Your Lifestyle. 

When you are paying for a mortgage, often your finances get interfered with. You cannot live lavishly as you once did because there are monthly payments that have to be continually done. It is a journey of finding a new way to balance your life and be comfortable with what you have.  Your transformation is normally emphasized by other influences. You have chosen to get rid of your old self and transform yourself to be better. You desire to see change and you are working towards it.

This card calls you to get a new perspective on life. Compromises will be difficult for you, but you need to cut back on any habit that limits you from moving forward. You are rediscovering yourself and you feel inspired to find your life purpose again. Embrace who you are and be comfortable with it as you continue to grow. Create a life that you want by engaging in the things that are beneficial for you.

Getting A Mortgage Requires Common Sense.

You cannot get a mortgage for a home without considering all the factors that affect it. Imagine getting a mortgage for an expensive house that will make you live an uncomfortable life as you pay it? You need to get what aligns with your budget and what won’t cause excessive strain on you. You should apply common sense in the things you do concerning your life. You have been going through tough times and this is the time you are emerging from turmoil. The steps you take from here determine if you are free from falling back to the same problems you were in.

You have to take calculated steps in the decisions you make and know that they will have major consequences in your life, either good or bad. In the card, the woman pours out water in five channels to show how you should apply your senses in your dealings. This need is further emphasized by her foot on the ground. For better guidance, listen to your intuition and your inner voice which has been enhanced by the universe, you will not be misled. Apply possible scenarios and choose the things that bring the outcome you desire.

Enter A Season Of Rest.

What happens when you finish paying a mortgage? It becomes a period where you can now breathe literally. You experience freedom and the pressure to meet the deadlines of payments is no longer there. Similarly, to you, you get the same feeling of rest when you come out of a distressful situation. The turmoil you went through may have been worth it, you can now see the fruits of your hard work. You are entering a period of rest, mental stability, and calmness. You are in a position where you can understand yourself and others too. This is a time when you need to focus on your personal growth because of the tranquility that surrounds you. The universe is rewarding you for all the things you have endured. Receive these blessings and retain them.

Know What You Want.

You have dreams that you want to achieve.  However, those dreams cannot come to pass if you don’t fully desire them. You cannot get a mortgage if you are partially thinking about it, but when you focus, you can channel all your resources towards it and create a strategic plan on how to get it.  You have to know what you desire from your core spirit. Let your subconscious be aligned with your conscious self. In the card, the woman holds two containers to represent the subconscious and conscious mind. She pours water from them to ensure balance and nourishment.  You have to believe in yourself, and do things that are best for you. You have been easily swayed from what you truly want, this card calls out to you to retrace your steps and stay true to your identity.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Nothing comes easily in life, you have to truly desire it and go ahead to work for it. The only true compass to your destiny is your soul, so you need to have ignored everything else before you start ignoring your soul. Listen to it, and be vulnerable enough to trust your intuition. You cannot lose yourself if you listen with a pure spirit and use your practical abilities to get where you want.


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