Your Arcana Message For Today

Before You Lies Great Opportunities That Will Change The World; Take The First Step And Move Towards Your Destiny

Before You Lies Great Opportunities That Will Change The World; Take The First Step And Move Towards Your Destiny

Today’s tarot card is the Two of Wands. Whenever you want to move forward but you are afraid of what lies there, remember ahead lies your destiny. 

The Two of Wands has a man in a red hat and robe looking ahead to indicate that you ought to concentrate on your vision and put all your effort into going where you want to go. On his right hand, he holds a globe to indicate that your destiny is in your hands. On his left hand, he holds a stick to indicate that you need a strong support system as you walk towards your destiny. The other stick on his left side is fixated on his castle to indicate that he is still confining himself and not ready to embark on a journey. There are green plants on the ground below him to indicate the fertility of the ground while the mountains and waterbody ahead indicate success. 

Treatments For Your Stagnation

The Two of Wands could indicate that you are at a point of stagnation and it is prohibiting you from moving ahead. Like the fixed wand, you have attached yourself to areas you need to outgrow. You could be still holding a job that provides no room for growth and you want to quit it yet you keep desiring to get another one. Your relationship could be going south and you feel the need to quit it yet you are stuck there. Your fear of making a change could be the main reason you remain fixed on the same position your entire life.

Two two of Wands is a warning that if you remain in your comfort zone, you will never be able to enjoy the abundance and numerous opportunities that are not far away from your sight. If you are suffering from stagnation, the card is providing treatments by indicating that the growth you seek is just within but you have to take the prescription of making the first step. Another treatment is taking your life into your own hands by understanding that you forge your destiny and you steer in the direction you desire. This will help you understand that nobody is obligated to come to your rescue hence avoid all the ill treatments you have been giving yourself that have only resulted in stagnation disease.

Treatments For Your Low Self-Esteem 

The Two of Wands could indicate that you are suffering from low self-esteem which has been a hindrance to your progress. Like the man, you want to move ahead yet your low self esteem ties you down like the fixed wand. Although you have a clarity on your vision and you have a glimpse of your bright future, your self-esteem makes you think you are not capable enough. Other times you could believe that you are all the negative things that others say about you and live within their limited definition. The Two of Wands is sending you an indication that the time is right to treat your low self-esteem. Embark on a journey of high self-esteem, believe that you can conquer the world, walk on the path to your destiny and give yourself the best treatments that life can offer.

Treatments For Your Fatigues

The Two of Wands can indicate that you have been suffering from fatigues due to the numerous responsibilities on your shoulders. Since you are the type of person who tries to make everything work out, you have tried to carry the burden on your hands just like the man holding the globe, you are attempting to carry the burden of the world. This often results in draining your energy and it is taking a toll on your mental health. The Two of Wands comes as a warning that you need to get treatment for your fatigue before it consumes you. It is time to get back your energy since fatigue only makes you prone to spreading negative energy. Get a break from that job before you burn out, get a break from that toxic relationship that is sucking your energy and take some time off and treat yourself with a vacation. Get full treatment during your vacation and be in a position to spread positive energy.

Give The Best Treatments To Others

The Two of Wands could indicate that you are in the initial phase of a life changing project and stage in life. This means that you will meet many people along the path and all will be significant in one way or the other. It is a great thing that you have chosen this path which will lead you to greatness and abundance. The Two of Wands is an indicator that you have great resources and knowledge on your hands and during this project you will need to treat the people you meet in the best way possible so that you can actualize your goals. Like the wand in the man's hand, you will need to hold close to the people on your journey and help them in moving ahead. You may fail to acknowledge the role they play in your growth journey yet they are responsible for the greatest support that you require to move ahead. If the journey gets weary, remember that they will be the ones to hold onto just like the wand on the left hand. For this reason, ensure you give them the best treatment.  

Top Tip Of The Day

Preparing to leave things behind and embark on a journey can be overwhelming since it requires you to get out of your comfort zone. Sometimes the greatest opportunities that life can offer to you are just a few miles ahead yet you hesitate to take the first step. You are greatly talented and with great abilities that are capable of changing the world if you just take up the initiative yet you give yourself a slave’s treatment while you deserve the entire kingdom. Use the power in you to shine in your world and let no one treat you like you are limited to a cocoon. 


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