Your Arcana Message For Today

Although generosity is a virtue, you also have to make sure that your resources and well-being are not compromised to the point of exhaustion.

Although generosity is a virtue, you also have to make sure that your resources and well-being are not compromised to the point of exhaustion.

The Message of the Day

The Empress is a favorable indication that lady luck is smiling down on you. The message for today is to rest easy now and bask in the wonders that nature has in store for you. It was a tedious journey before you arrived where you are now. Although it was no easy feat, this only makes your success even sweeter knowing that you worked hard to deserve it. The changing times also denotes a shift in multiple states of affairs—mindset, financial, social relations, and others. From here on out, you can only expect pleasant stuff to keep on coming.

The type of abundance you are about to enjoy may appear in a multitude of ways: health, career, money, and relationships just to name a few. Most people typically associate abundance with monetary opportunities. If this is the case for you, there will be a steady flow of cash entering your wallet and bank account. For others of you, the select lucky ones will find themselves on the receiving end of generosity—someone might donate a hefty sum of money to you. It can be a bonus from your boss, an act of kindness from a relative, or a prize you’ve won from the sweepstakes.

The important thing here is that the incoming cash is not from evil sources, so rest assured your mind will be at ease. This will immensely give you the confidence to spend, save, and invest it to your heart’s content. Just make sure to apply sound judgment and moderation to your next actions.

What You Give is What You Get

Like the tarot card for the day, The Empress reminds you that life is not always about challenges, sacrifices, and suffering. It is now your turn to experience worldly pleasures. To donate with something tangible is nature's way of rewarding you. 

Judging by the image in The Empress card, The Empress is an attractive character not only because of her looks but also the charisma she exudes. She is depicted as a fine-looking blonde woman wearing a robe with pomegranate patterns and a crown on her head adorned with twelve stars. She is seated on her throne which is filled with a luxurious cushion on her back and a red velvet draped under it. Beneath the seat is the Venus glyph. The surroundings of The Empress show the liveliness and riches of Mother Nature—the lush greenery, grassy field, and the everflowing stream. All of these imageries point to fertility and savoring the finer things in life. The Empress does not stumble upon this state by chance—she is the epitome of abundance herself. 

If we wish to attract the same in our life, we must be prepared to put in the effort it takes to achieve this. The natural order of things operates under a mutual interaction. The mindset and determination involved throughout the journey towards success will be eventually returned to you. Stinginess is not in the vocabulary of The Empress—she freely donates her treasures to whoever proves to be worthy of receiving them. As long you have made the necessary steps, you are assured to receive corresponding donations from the universe.

Start with Yourself

In case no one has told you this yet, you deserve to indulge even just for a short while as a way of rewarding yourself for a job well done. You can think of it as taking vacations on a holiday. As the old saying goes, all work and no play make anyone a dull person. Hence, it is highly recommended to pamper yourself in activities, people, and material things that invigorate your soul as an act of self-care. It is time to donate yourself with a period of retreat solely intended for relaxation. You cannot keep on dedicating your time and energy to other aspects—work, people, and responsibilities. Some of you may be the breadwinners in your family. Since you take on such a huge role, it can be easy to neglect yourself in the process. 

Before you can donate both material and intangible things to others, you must first give back to yourself to avoid depleting your resources. This is not just about money, but also time, energy, and emotions. We are not simply humans, but we are vessels and mirrors at the same time. Needing to be constantly filled with the necessary factors is what determines the energy we give off to our jobs and other people. When we are abundant, we reflect the same in our social interactions.

Today’s Tip

Some people feel empowered by donating to others as this gives them a sense of victory. If you are this kind of person, it is important to not overextend yourself. This constant act of selflessness can eventually wear you out, no matter how noble your intentions are. Even if you don’t feel like asking for anything in return, at least see to it that your kind deeds are reciprocated with appreciation and gratitude. This is will tremendously give you the boost to continue in your aspirations. After all, you can’t give something if you don’t have it. Tread the fine line between what is a necessary sacrifice and a non-negotiable.

On the other hand, others don't want to donate and only want to be on the receiving end of it. As for these people, they will eventually receive what is due to them. As stated previously, The Empress is a generous entity—as much as they can immediately provide rewards, she is also quick to take it away. This is even worsened if the recipient does not show gratitude for the things one just recently accepted. In a way, both the inward and outward expressions of being grateful serve as a charm for inviting good luck. Once you receive the blessing, reflect the energy of abundance to others by sharing it—just like how a mirror reflects image and light. Since positivity is contagious, you already attain victory by putting a benevolent display of generosity.



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