Your Arcana Message For Today

Life is uncertain and we must learn to adapt to the changing times.

Life is uncertain and we must learn to adapt to the changing times.

The Message of the Day

For today, we have the Wheel of Fortune to remind us that things are bound to change soon. This card can both mean positive and negative. The duality of this card is meant to be this way—the very symbol of wheels signifies fate, destiny, or karma. The next stages of your life feed on the intentions and actions you have placed. This is the nature of karma—the series of consequences that stems from one's intent. In this way, man is writing his destiny based on how he thinks, feels, and reacts.

Just like how the weather and circumstances are characterized by their unpredictability, man is also dynamic in his way. A bad person can change to a good one, and vice versa. The wheels are constantly turning—it can be your friend today but tomorrow the odds may be against you. Indeed, the only thing consistent in this world is the irregularity and uncertainty of the times. 

There is no need to be anxious about the constantly changing times. As long as you're placing good intentions behind your deeds and thoughts, then you should have nothing to worry about. It would be likely that this impending shift will transfer you from an unpleasant to a comfortable and abundant quality of life. Look forward to reaping the fruits you have sown.

The Essence and Benefits of a Give and Take Relationship

A new cycle has begun—will it be fortune or ill luck that will be transferred to you this time? The very nature of Wheel of Fortune lies in the act of transferring. The universe mostly operates on a give and take system. You can think of it as a self-regulating system in the cosmos where it automatically transfers certain consequences to you based on the quality of your actions. 

For a lot of us, this card is a favorable indicator that our quality of life will improve. Before you can receive this reward, you must be ready for the changes that it entails. Some of you may be required to transfer work locations or residences in exchange for better job opportunities. Or perhaps someone may transfer a large sum of money or property to you which involves signing legal documents. This demand is only minor as compared to what you will obtain in return. It is strongly advised to use discernment for these transactions to avoid any potential scams.

In essence, what you give is what you get. If your response to the opportunities being presented to you is an outright rejection without putting much thought into it, you will face a lack of openings in the future. In a way, you are somehow attracting the kinds of things into your life based on your mindset and response to both fortunate and unfortunate situations.

In contrast, graciously accepting the consequences for your wrongdoings triggers a new movement in the cycle—this is a turning moment for growth, learning, and acceptance. This perfectly illustrates that all hope is not lost for delinquents and other people who have lost their way. It takes more than just divine timing before long-lasting improvement will be in effect. The individual must possess that determination and effort to change their life for the better. Gradually, the wheels will shift on their side. Build a give-and-take relationship between your actions and your future—you will notice a difference in your life.

Treat Experiences as Lessons

You can think of the law of karma as similar to a bank—you can only withdraw what you deposit. Your deposits will also accumulate interest rates that increase the longer you store. It would only be natural to receive blessings after performing good deeds. Similarly, you will ultimately face consequences for the evil and wrongdoings you have committed. Our intentions are the currency that dictates the cycle we are currently in. The universe only gives back and transfers what is rightfully ours.

"Here today and gone tomorrow"—is a famous idiom that has appeared in the Bible and plenty of modern songs.  Your previous good deeds may be all for naught in just a single yet grave mistake. Redeeming yourself from this lapse requires twice the work. However, don't be discouraged by your past failures. As mentioned earlier, the greatest reward for learning the lesson of your previous errors is that you are being proactive in avoiding going to that same path. Transfer the harsh experiences into something productive and inspiring. It is possible to turn a crisis into an opportunity. 

Recall the times in which you notice you keep committing the same mistakes in the exam. This is an extremely frustrating moment especially if you studied hard. Transferring what you have studied into the answer sheet in the hopes of getting a passing or a high mark is only natural. The same can be said for our actions. Not every good act will automatically be converted into plus points as if it's the school setting.

If your motivation behind performing good deeds every time is because you're only after what you can take advantage of instead of the intrinsic value of those actions, there will be corresponding karma for it. This is where the value of intent comes into play. Recognize your tendencies of carrying out a task only if you have something to gain afterward. Gradually shift your mindset just like how you are analyzing a tough problem.

Today’s Tip

Where do you mostly pour in your efforts? Do you feel like the same quantity has been poured back to you? These questions are necessary to determine if there is truly an equal give and take in a relationship. In exploitative energy dynamics, both taking too much and giving too much causes imbalances in the wheel of fortune. This is why there are corresponding consequences or karma to restore the equilibrium.

In our own lives, we can establish a healthy relationship with ourselves. Nourishing ourselves by engaging and fulfilling surroundings, people, and activities has a tremendous impact on our self-esteem and social skills. Just like how you want to avoid acquiring diseases by observing a healthy lifestyle, having peace of mind is the minimum requirement for us to keep going in our endeavors. While it is the least you can do for yourself, paradoxically it is also one of the greatest gifts that only you can offer to yourself.




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