Your Arcana Message For Today

If You Have The Courage To Pursue What You Want, All Your Dreams Can Come True.

If You Have The Courage To Pursue What You Want, All Your Dreams Can Come True.

Today’s card is The World. The cycle of life is ever-changing. It is a continuous process that never stops and forces you to shift whether you like it or not. You have no luxury of staying in a comfort zone forever and that in a way becomes the beauty of life. You have been experiencing change and sometimes you feel like you haven’t fully enjoyed a time in your life, or gotten enough experience as you would want. Still, you find that you have easily transitioned to situations that you thought you wouldn’t have known how to handle. You are now accepting change and that is a good place to start your growth.

In the World card, there is a naked woman dancing inside a large wreath and she is only covered with a purple cloth. Her nakedness indicates your shortcomings that you are always trying to hide and it is a call to get comfortable with who you are. Although the woman is moving forward her face looks behind which indicates your hesitation to leave your past behind. In her hands, she holds two wands which symbolize that what you manifested at some point is now coming to pass. You are in total control of your life and you need to manifest what you desire.

The wreath is circular which means that you have continual opportunities for new beginnings and success. The woman’s transition also shows that you are completing one phase of life and beginning another one straight away. In the card, there are four images on all four corners and the images are; a bull, an angel, a lion, and an eagle.It indicates that you are not alone as you journey through life. 

Hair Transplant As An Achievement.

People going through hair loss experience a lot of confidence issues because their physical appearance is interfered with. With the consideration of hair transplant, putting into thought the procedures they go through and the patience they have, to witness regrowth of hair, It is plausible to witness this journey and to get the results you sought. Achievements need to be celebrated, whether big or small. You have been overlooking the things you have done, you have continuously underplayed your successes, with the thought that you are not yet where you want to be. 

The world card invites you to have a deeper look at your journey, tune into the spiritual lessons you have got, and honor your achievements. Celebrate your successes and take joy from having to see your goals bearing fruit. You have been hard on yourself and you wonder if you are strong enough to handle more. Rest in the fact that all the successes and frustrations you have experienced along the way have made you wiser, stronger, and more experienced.  Express gratitude for what you have sowed and reaped from it. Make sure you are not rushing to your next big project. Celebrating your already gained achievements will set you up for success in your next challenge because of the confidence you have.

Tie Up Loose Ends.

When someone is not satisfied with how their hair looks, maybe after going through a situation that affected its growth, it is okay to consider transplanting hair. If you know it will make you feel better about your physical appearance, why not do it? This could have been a desire you have wanted to achieve for a long time.

In the card, the woman holds the two wands, this means that what you once manifested has now come to pass and there is no problem transitioning from one phase of your life to another. You have started projects in your life and you are not sure of whether to continue with them or not. Leaving projects half-done beats the whole purpose of it. If you have any loose ends remaining, the World card asks you to do your best to bring them to completion. In doing so you will create space for new beginnings and opportunities to take place just as the circular wreath in the card shows.

Hair Transplant Awareness Should Be Promoted.

If you have suffered hair loss, you feel downcast and think that’s it for you and there is no remedy for the situation. Hair Transplanting is an option people should be aware of with a chance of accessing it without having to travel long distances for it. Traveling is a good thing but it should be a choice you want to not make, not because of limitations that you have in your area of living. You have wanted to travel widely, could be for business or vacation. 

The World card is also symbolic of world traveling. You may be lucky to commence on a trip, study, work, or live overseas for a long period.  This card insists on global awareness and having to understand other parts of the world. It will help you appreciate the different cultures of people across the world. You will also have a balanced and smooth transition through this period of living elsewhere.

Appreciate Yourself.

Your appearance should not determine how you think of yourself, nor should the view of others. Create an identity for yourself and be comfortable in your skin. Choose to understand things deeper than the surface level, it will help you enjoy real success and know the true meaning of life. In the card, you see the woman looking back to her past and still moving forward, this should help you acknowledge how far you have come and what you have learned along the way. However, it should not limit you from moving forward with no regret from your past. You know you have worked hard; this is the time to move on with appreciation of self.

Top Tip Of The Day.

When you get a second chance in life, do not shy from the beginning again. Do it and do it well this time. There are things you have always prayed for, when you get them pray for the wisdom to know how to handle them.


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