Your Arcana Message For Today

You Will Not Accomplish Anything In Life If You Do Not Have The Courage To Take Risks.

You Will Not Accomplish Anything In Life If You Do Not Have The Courage To Take Risks.

Today’s card is The Strength. When you go through tough times in life, do you insist on getting back up again, or do let fate take its course? The people who have conquered most obstacles have had to be determined and courageous enough to move beyond their situation and limitations. You have the courage to face life, do not let anything dim that light from you.

In the Strength card, a woman is gently stroking a lion on its jaw and forehead. The lion is known as the king of the jungle yet the woman has tamed it with her loving and calming energy. The lion represents your inner desires and passions and in taming it, the woman shows that you do not need to use force to overcome your greatest obstacles but applying resilience and inner strength will do you magic.

The woman is also wearing a white robe which shows you have a pure heart and a crown of flowers that indicates that you will be successful in whatever path you take. Over her head, there is an infinity symbol that indicates that you have been presented with limitless opportunities by the universe. This card is a reminder of the power that lies in your inner strength and a call to be a lawyer strong enough to stand up for those who have no voice.

Be A Lawyer To Others.

Have you seen how determined lawyers are? They offer support to you no matter how difficult your journey gets until you get justice done. They gather their strength and do all background work to defend you. Everyone needs someone who will stick by them through thick and thin. You are a good supporter and a loyal friend, you are willing to step up when others are in need and you often feel compelled to hold space for someone who needs your support and strength. 

In the Strength card, the woman is using her inner strength to subdue and control the lion. This is a reflection of your strength which gives you the confidence to overcome any challenges, doubts, or growing fears. You feel the fear and do it regardless. If you feel stressed, burnt out or you are going through a rough time, the Strength card calls out to you to persevere because you have what it takes to go through the situation to its eventual end. The people around you need your continuous support and they appreciate your efforts to help them.

Lawyers Have Strategic Plans.

If a lawyer is emotion-led, then a case becomes quite unpredictable on whether it will succeed. A lawyer is grounded and creates a strategic plan and gets credible points that will stand up for you. His main goal is to make sure you are not found to be guilty, every other thing is a distraction. You cannot be untamed and unruly if you want good things in life. 

The Strength card is insisting on the need of taming your animal instincts, your raw emotions, and your gut reactions. You have to master how to channel these responses constructively. In the card, the woman has tamed the lion which is known to be a very ferocious animal. She has used her calm and loving energy to keep it in check. This indicates that it is normal for feelings of sadness, rage, anger, and shame to arise in certain situations.

However, it is how you handle this emotion that makes the whole difference. This is the time to be conscious of your urges and bring them into balance. You have no time to be hateful or to act in rage. Approach your situations better, with compassion, love, and forgiveness. Try as much to create coping mechanisms that will help you know how to handle what comes up.

Use Your Invincible Power.

You don’t have to be outwardly aggressive for you to be heard. You have often been misunderstood and thought to be timid, this serves as an advantage to you. In the card, the woman shows that you don’t have to use coercion or force, you can use your inner strength to subtly control your situations. What others don’t know is that you are fueled by your power, strong will, inner strength, and determination. You do not control others, that is not how you rule. You quietly persuade and influence. Others underestimate your power, because it is invincible, which is to your advantage. No one knows you are the one who’s calling the shots which makes it easier for you to control a situation without excessive outward force.

Overcome Your Life Obstacles.

When lawyers take up a case, they already know there is an obstacle they will meet. They don’t expect smooth roads and they know there will be accusations that will be tough to deal with. However, they don’t let this stop them. You have to face your situations head-on. The Strength card shows that you are determined, you have power and you are strong.  You have inner strength and your ability to overcome obstacles is remarkable because you are able to endure what life throws at you. You are persistent and you have great stamina which helps you balance through life.

You are committed to what you need to do and you handle it in a calm and patient way bringing forth good results. In the card, there is an infinite symbol over the head of the woman, which represents your potential and wisdom. Let this be a motivation to not stop moving ahead, to not self-doubt but rather trust that you have everything that you need within you to help you create the life that you want.

Top Tip Of The Day.

You may be blessed with everything, but it is up to you to use it.  Do not waste your potential but rather move fearlessly ahead in the pursuit of your dreams. You are unstoppable, so start freeing yourself from limitations, restricting ideas, and anything that hinders you. Your courage can impact the world, do not let it sleep.


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