Your Arcana Message For Today

Discard Anything That Does Not Spark or Bring Joy in Your Life.

Discard Anything That Does Not Spark or Bring Joy in Your Life.

Today’s card is the Two of Wands. Progress is good, having old ideas, toxic relationships and dead-end jobs can make you think life doesn’t have anything new to give. Life becomes what you want, you have the power to live it according to your dreams. You have been stuck at the same place for too long, you want to move ahead but you are afraid that how your life is right now, might be all there is to it. When you are alive, you have a never-ending chance to change what doesn’t work for you, to declutter your life.

The Two of Wands shows a man holding a miniature globe, this is symbolic of how the world is literally in your hands, and the huge potential before you if you choose to expand your horizons. The man is standing inside his castle suggesting that while you are thinking about significant opportunities, you have not left your comfort zone to pursue them. You are in the planning phase. The man’s hand is attached to the castle wall and the other rests on an upright wand which is a further sign that you are still not ready to venture out.  In the background, there is rocky but fertile ground, which assures you that you have a good chance to succeed, so long as you are willing to overcome the challenges that may come up.

Actualize Your Plans.

Everyone makes plans, few want to work on them, which makes the difference of where people are in life.  The Two of Wands is a card that urges you to plan, and move forward with actualizing them. You have already set out to achieve a particular task you had planned, which means that you have made realities from your ideas. Plans require to be fulfilled, and you have progressed from just having it to achieving what you set out to do.

In the Card, the man is thinking about significant opportunities but he is not ready to leave his comfort zone. Your comfort zone can be the only barrier for you to start acting, avoid it like a plague. Though it may feel safe to stay where you are, it is at the expense of having a different life. This is the time you have the energy to act, you have this thirst and hunger of life, tap into this energy and start moving.

Cleanup from Your Past.

Your past can have so much more power than you think. It gives you safety and sets your mind to the expectations you have formulated over time, as per how you have seen things happening in life. It can also hinder you from discovering new things, and knowing that there is a whole different life if you choose to look a different way. You have to decide to move ahead.

In the Two of Wands, one of the man’s hands is still attached to the castle, which shows that you are not ready to venture out. You want to clean up from your past and have new opportunities, you have to let go of the things that keep holding you back. Declutter from the past and create a new and clear vision of what you want. Get your hand off from the castle wall, there is nothing else there. It will take courage for you to set out, but this card gives you confidence in self-knowledge and discoveries. You know what your goal is, go out and fulfill it.

Be Ready to Start Over. 

Cleaning up is not easy, but it is the only way to create a different life. You know that you want new experiences, you are tired of the old. Your spirit tells you that there is much more waiting for you, do not ignore it. You have to follow your passion and intuition; it will guide you through your next chapter. In the card, a man is holding a small globe in his hands, it shows the huge potential you possess if you choose to expand your horizons, it signifies how the world is in your hands.

Do not miss this chance to do right by yourself. You should feel safe with this assurance, that you will not fail, rather you will achieve unimaginable things. You have to decide to start over. You may choose between taking a risk or sticking around with what you already know. You realize that you must leave your familiar grounds to focus on these opportunities because you understand that the world has something bigger and more meaningful to offer you. Even though you invested a lot in your current life, you must step out and explore what is there for you outside.

Time For A New Beginning.

You are considering your longer-term goals and aspirations and you are ready to start achieving them. You feel ready for a change, this time with a long-term future in mind. You have already come this far, this is not the time to self-doubt, but to focus and forge ahead. You may be contemplating traveling to a new environment, changing your career, or doing anything that will expand your horizons beyond your immediate position. With a moderated approach and careful planning, you will have set yourself up for success. Do not be afraid of doing new things, because even in those you will achieve great things.

Top Tip of the Day.

Knowing when something no longer serves you is important. You let go to create room for new things. Evaluate your life and declutter where necessary. There is a vision you have for yourself, and it will not be achievable if you are moving ahead with baggage. Drop every unnecessary thing, could be people who always pull you back, bad memories, your failures or opportunities you lost before, this will never be helpful. Rediscover yourself, give yourself a chance to experience things again. It is not over until it is over, before then, dare to live.


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