Your Arcana Message For Today

Upgrade Your Software

Upgrade Your Software

Today’s card on the deck is the World tarot. The card depicts the image of a naked female figure inside a huge green wreath. She holds two wands in her hands and appears to be dancing. There are four creatures at each corner of the card; an angel at the top left, an eagle at the top right, a bull at the bottom left and a lion at the bottom right. Although she dances moving forward, her face is still looking at what is behind her. The upright World card is a sign that you need to focus ahead and prepare to leave the past where it belongs because you are about to come across new opportunities that will mark new beginnings.

Just as a software requires constant upgrading to ensure it functions efficiently, the World card is challenging you to keep on upgrading yourself by indulging in activities that facilitate your growth. Some of the ways to upgrade your software in life include; reading books that educate you, watching programs that help and challenge you, expanding your network and finding mentors who have already found their niche in life and are willing to hold your hand and show you the way, playing games that challenge you to think out of the box among others. Upgrading your software will force you to move out of your comfort zone and just like the woman you will need to take steps forward. 

However, the World card is warning you that you must be willing to let go of the older software versions to ensure you become better. Moving forward with your focus still in the past is like trying to install a newer software version while you do not want to uninstall the older one. The truth is that the older version is at risk of being corrupted by malware hence you risk losing your data if you are not willing to let it go. Holding onto it is the surest way for stagnation thus you need to embrace the newer versions of opportunities that life is presenting to you so that you can be more productive. 

The card also indicates that you need to remember that you are incharge of your life. Regardless of the words and convictions of other people on the software to use, you are incharge of deciding whether to upgrade or continue with the old version. Like the female holding the wands in her hands, it is up to you to make decisions for you are the one with the final say. However, just like the creatures watching over the woman, the universe assures you that it has granted you all the resources you need to upgrade your software. 

The angel in the card is a reminder that you need to introspect and look into your inner souls so that you may come up with the best decision. The eagle reminds you that you have to strive to upgrade to the most reliable version, the bull reminds you to take caution of any malware that may try to attack you while the lion reminds you that you need to be brave. Move forward and upgrade your software!

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