Your Arcana Message For Today

Life is a never-ending series of choices that tests our willingness to compromise and make sacrifices.

Life is a never-ending series of choices that tests our willingness to compromise and make sacrifices.

The Message of the Day

Today we are reminded to emulate The High Priestess—having deep knowledge and understanding of concepts, theories, and lessons should go hand in hand in applying these to reality. It is possible to have the basic information regarding a certain topic without a firm grasp on how it works. However, having an understanding of an idea or how others feel already indicates that knowledge is already acquired. The message for today brings the focus on trading and its resemblance to man's everyday life.

In its modern sense, trading is a purely economic and business concept. Some may think that only the rich and professionals, especially those involved in the business, economics, and financing institutions, can solely participate in such activities. However, even the average earning worker is involved in some other type of trading in his life, although not necessarily related to business and economics. Countless instances in our lives entail giving up on one thing to gain the other. This has a term in economics called a trade-off where it involves gaining benefits at the expense of the cost. In essence, this means settling a compromise after a thorough deliberation has been executed. Thus, we see here that trading is not exclusive to economists and businessmen. 

With The High Priestess as the card for today, intuition coupled with an understanding that goes beyond the surface highlights how far we can go in life. Fusing the qualities of being book smart or practical knowledge via education and street smart or our innate animal instincts is an innovative way of navigating tough decisions in all forms of trading.

The Trading Involved in Our Everyday Lives

The High Priestess is a very spiritual card that emphasizes using and trusting our instincts. It rules the realm of the unseen and intangible—our subconscious. The animal instincts of humans are the remnants of our once nomadic way of living essential for survival. Thousands of years later, the same instincts are still inherently present in us although not as well-defined and less frequently used compared to our ancestors. Our instincts can be our greatest asset if we allow ourselves to develop our subconscious mind to its full potential. Even a non-degree holder yet successful veteran businessman can rise to the ranks of his fellow degree holder businessmen. He possibly utilized his intuition in approaching tough decisions and taking calculated risks while the rest are knowledge acquired through experience.

Trading in business is always a gamble. This also applies to living, wherein the only certain thing in this world is uncertainty. No book or expert can always tell you what to do at all times. Common sense, good judgment, and intuition prove to be the most useful skills for critical situations that require split-second decisions. It doesn’t take an academic degree to know that temporarily sacrificing comfort over long-term success is always better than securing instant gratification at the expense of massive losses in the future.

Similar to businessmen and economists, we, too, experience trading in our day-to-day lives in various forms. Giving children a chance to choose one toy as a gift for their birthday encourages decision-making and compromise at a young age. A working parent prioritizes the needs of their children over their own. Cramming the remaining unstudied lessons the night before an exam often leaves the distressed student no choice but to sacrifice sleep. 

How about you? What are you willing to surrender in exchange for achieving your goals?

Utilizing the Subconscious to Achieve Compromise

Even ordinary folks have experienced being in a situation that involves reaching a compromise. Unfortunately, life is not generous—things don’t happen according to our terms. Circumstances may even involve cruel and life-and-death decisions: two wants or needs are pitted against each other. For instance, we hear stories both in fiction and in reality about men being forced to choose between saving their newborn child and his wife during childbirth. During similar moments, compromise tests our character which shows our priorities and values in life.

When we find ourselves trapped in a dilemma, we can consult our trusted friends, family, and significant other for their opinion regarding our plans. However, we don't always have the luxury of having the time to collect and synthesize others' opinions. In moments that require quick judgment, we can rely on our subconscious for guidance. It takes time to sharpen our instincts like in the prehistoric times of our nomadic ancestors. Tapping into our intuition develops through multiple experiences, both good and bad.

When faced with a crisis, pause and take time to consult your gut instincts. Listen to what your intuition tells you and determine the reason for it. Don't immediately dismiss something as mere paranoia if you have a logical explanation for feeling that way. Ultimately, choosing to follow or not to follow our subconscious is an act of trading in itself. Whether you're prioritizing your intuition for telling you that a certain person, for instance, a business partner or a random stranger, is suspicious or taking the risk despite what your instinct says is up to you. In times of failure, at best we can only accept the situation and take it as a learning experience.

Today’s Tip

Supplementing intuition with logical reasoning may work. There may be a rational explanation as to why you felt unsafe on a certain person or place. However, the reason will likely be revealed much later than you expect. You can reflect on this and determine whether it would be wise to trust your instincts the next time.

Some people choose to approach decisions purely from the vantage point of reason without regard for emotions. Others make decisions based on intuition without any second thought. Both methods involve surrendering something in favor of another. Allow your instincts to guide whether you take the logical or the intuitive approach. Whichever you will choose, your instincts must have found some merits more favorable than the other—an act of trading with consideration for the pros and cons. Whether you made the right judgment or not, nevertheless it will still be a valuable learning opportunity that will surely play a huge influence on your decisions later in life.




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