Your Arcana Message For Today

Worry Empties Today of Its Strength, It Does Not Rid Tomorrow’s Sorrow.

Worry Empties Today of Its Strength, It Does Not Rid Tomorrow’s Sorrow.

Today’s card is the Four of Swords. After going through turmoil and a distressful time, you need rest. You hope for better days ahead to compensate for those you had gloom. Sometimes you get tired and you just need to retreat to gather strength to forge ahead. You have been fighting so hard and you feel worn out. It is time to rest, look how far you have come. Let the universe justify your course and give you better days.

The Four of Swords depicts a sense of calm peace, there is a stillness and quiet that is present. A knight is laying down in a tomb with three swords above him and the fourth one lies beneath him. These three swords are symbolic of the suffering that you have had to endure. The position of the card beneath him shows that the fight and struggle you were in has ended. There is also a child and woman on the stained glass window which gives you a sense of welcoming after the retreat and warmth. The knight’s hands are positioned as if in prayer to show that you entered a season of rest.

Restore Your Energy.

You have been going through difficult and painful times and you feel the need to keep forging ahead. You may feel worn out and as if the world is going against you. You need to get a new perspective and try to view things afresh with a new mind. This card calls to you to take a rest before you embark on the next challenge. Even if you are highly driven and productive, take time out of your busy schedule to heal your body and mind and restore your energy. Tension and stress will break even the most resilient people. In the card, the knight, who is a fighter, is taking a rest, which shouldn’t leave an exception to you. Take brief periods of rest to build up your concentration and focus again.

Moving In Solitude. 

Being around people shifts your focus from truly getting in touch with your feelings because everyone is interjecting their expectations of you. To fully restore yourself, you need to be alone. Restoration is not an easy journey, you may want to go back to other people for consolation, but that means short-lived healing. In the card, the knight is alone in solitude, though he is laying rested, the child and woman get to only view him through the stained glass window, they cannot get to him. 

The Four of Swords calls for the need for seclusion. You need solitude and time apart from other people to gather your feelings and thoughts. Following the loss you experienced, you need to take time and re-evaluate your life. Solitude is difficult to bear but is necessary for you to rejuvenate your spirit and recharge.  Solitary will help you gain confidence and great inner strength. Retreat from distractions, conflict, and pain. Rid yourself of the anxiety and stress. Healing starts from figuring out what happened, what you could have done differently, accepting the situation, and choosing to forgive and move forward with well-informed choices. All this can only happen when you truly listen to yourself and tell yourself the truth. You can be true to yourself most when you are alone.

Clear Your Mind.

You have been burdening your mind with the things you should have done. You have been asking yourself questions about why some things have been happening to you. Your immediate solution is to try to take back control of everything and fix issues. There is very little help that will come from this because you might worsen the situation. 

If you have been going through tough times, for example, a break-up, financial or health problems, or even stress, the Four of Swords appears as a sign to take a step back and renew your perspective. Now is not the time to make decisions, do whatever you need to do to take a break. Choose to stay inactive and silent. Build your mental strength by clearing your mind of any stress. Spend time in a place that creates peace for you and meditate. Replenish your strength, be calm and choose tranquility around you. Connect with your higher self.

There Is No Restoration Where There Is No Focus.

What can you be restored to if you are haphazardly going about the place? If you don’t take time to figure out what you want, the universe finds it hard to set you back up. You have to go through life until you reach that place where you feel the need to retreat first. In the card, the knight has fought, he has been hurt before, but then he retreated, this shows that you need to take a step back, retreat then take time to review your progress. This is a good time to reassess your priorities, see if what you are doing is working for you or if you need to change the strategy. 

Pause to reflect after a major challenge, allow this to position you well for success in the future. You have been blaming yourself, let it go. You now know what needs fixing, allow yourself to be still, and busk in the fact that the universe is going to align you again and restore you to your intended purpose. Keep your Focus on doing better. You may need to psych yourself up and decide to try again, do not let your failures make you settle for something that is far from your calling.

Top Tip Of The Day.

You will always have a second chance to stand again, but you get to decide how you will use it and the direction you want to go from there. If you follow the wrong path again because you did not take time to re-evaluate and heal, you will fall similarly yet again. A lesson doesn’t leave you until you truly learn it. Choose to be fully restored, do not fall back to the same pits. Be shy once you get bitten.


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