Your Arcana Message For Today

Let Wisdom Make You A Good Gamester If Fortune Has Dealt You Bad Cards.

Let Wisdom Make You A Good Gamester If Fortune Has Dealt You Bad Cards.

Today’s card is the Wheel of Fortune. Life is unpredictable, sometimes you are doing fine, sometimes you are not. Having the understanding of this will keep you from being stuck because you know sooner or later, your life will change. It is simply like people who go to casinos to try their luck with getting a fortune. You don’t have to stress yourself out, things will work out all in due time, you can get undeserved luck or also undeserved calamity. How you handle either situation is entirely up to you, let wisdom be your guide.

The Wheel of fortune card is very symbolic, it is filled with signs that each has its own meaning. At the center of the card, there is a giant wheel that has symbols in it. There are creatures having wings that surround the wheel, the eagle, lion, bull, and angel. Their wings represent the stability you have amidst change and movement, and each holds the Torah, representing the wisdom and self-understanding that you possess. The snake in the card represents the things you manifest into the material world.

On the wheel itself, a sphinx (which represents strength and knowledge) sits at the top and an Anubis (an Egyptian god that welcomes souls into the underworld) sits at the bottom, they are forever rotating, suggesting that as you come up, another will go down. This is to remind you that you will not remain in the same position in your life, allow this inevitable way of life to create a flexible spirit in you, that is able to survive anything that is thrown at you because you don’t get to choose what happens sometimes.

Anything Can Happen.

When you go to a casino, it is often mastery than the luck of the game that helps you win. It is also very possible to get a very good fortune or lose a huge one too. Whether you stick around to see this, depends on how much you are willing to lose. It is however advised that you stop placing bets to try to recover your money if you have lost a lot because chances of winning then are slimmer. Does this ring a bell? You experience life as if in a casino, one day you have it and another day you don’t. You have been holding things too dearly and when the time comes for you to now detach, it gives you a very hard time. Change allows you to grow and this card calls you to do so.

In the Wheel of Fortune card, you see the symbols in the card, which symbolize the many things you will get to experience, the good thing though is that even as it spins, the wheel is surrounded by the creatures, that are full of understanding and wisdom, meaning that you will always find your way out. You will be able to handle things better as you continue going through the cycle of life. If you are going through a difficult time, rest assured it can only get better now, good fortune will make its way back to you.

Similarly, if things are going well for you, know that this too can change. This card insists on the need of cherishing the blissful moments you have in your life and make the most of them while they are still available because just like that, they could be gone.

Karma Never Fails. 

You have been putting yourself in other people’s shoes, which works well for you. You know the pain of being treated badly and you wouldn’t want anyone else to experience the same. The Wheel of Fortune is a good reminder that what goes around, must come back around. The wheels spinning back to you is a suggestion to self-reflect and see if you will be comfortable if given the same deal you give others.  You are called to be loving and kind to people if you want it echoed back to you, the opposite will still be true. If you want abundance and happiness in your life, make sure you are spreading that positivity wherever you go. What you send out to the universe will definitely come back to you.

Casino Players Have A Strategy.

When you go to a casino, you find players carefully calculating their moves to bring them good fortune. No one just plays for the sake of it, because money is at stake. Similarly, you cannot live life aimlessly taking whatever comes your way. You have to have a well-cut-out strategy to get what you want. In the card, a careful spin can stop you at the desired position to get what you want. You have been visualizing and meditating what you want and this will reinforce your intention to bring prosperity, good fortunes, and increased abundance to you. Your life is about to take more positive turns if you are willing to expand and grow. Keep your mind open to the signs of the universe and follow its lead. Because it will take care of your situation in the best way possible. Miracles are happening, fate and destiny are favoring you. Be more optimistic and have faith.

Outside Factors Can Control Your Situation.

When you go to a casino, you see different people playing, and you think that is where they want to be. Have you wondered that maybe there is a need they want to feel is being met? Could be looking for friends, money, or even dealing with behavioral problems, the factors have led them there. You also have things that have happened in your life, that have resulted in the person you are today. You are a person who likes to feel stability and control, but the wheel doesn’t give you this alternative. The card shows that factors outside your control are affecting your situation. It is as if the universe is giving out whatever it pleases, it is unnerving and unpredictable. This is a challenging aspect because no matter how the wheels turn, it is impossible to change what it shows. You need to accept what is happening and choose to adapt to how life is taking you.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Be a shoulder to someone, because sooner or later you will need it too. Live life to no limits and have fun, because you never know what tomorrow may bring. Allow wisdom and understanding to lead you, be patient, and eventually, everything will make sense.


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