Your Arcana Message For Today

A good sense of judgment is all it takes to differentiate between a calculated risk and an unnecessary risk.

A good sense of judgment is all it takes to differentiate between a calculated risk and an unnecessary risk.

The Message of the Day

The tarot card for today provides us insight regarding the direction of our finances, career, and the overall aspects of human existence. The Two of Pentacles, a card that is also about maintaining Balance, provides us guidance. How do we strike the equilibrium between our wants and needs? Do we find ourselves prioritizing our impulses over the essential ones and vice versa? What is the primary blockage that delays or prevents us from achieving this sense of stability within ourselves? Pondering on these initial sets of questions will prompt us to the core of today's message.

Before delving deep into our thoughts, we must first recognize that our priorities will largely dictate the whole process—the problem that needs to be changed, the time frame, and the possible outcome. Our experience in the material plane does not differ much from typical gambling games, may it be a lottery, card games, gambling machines, etc. A specific person or event requires you to decide, with each option bearing various weights based on their respective pros and cons. The very act of choosing and even not doing anything is already a decision in itself—each attached with a specific hazard to it. Every action entails the use of decision-making, which makes taking a risk applicable to almost everything. As long as risk is involved, it becomes no different from participating in a gambling match.

Upon knowing this, take the time to assess yourself: What aspects am I willing to gamble? Based on your answer, you will find out about your risk appetite and the non-negotiables in your life. 

Mastering Decision-Making Skills

The Two of Pentacles is a minor arcana card that captures the complexity and simplicity of human nature at the same time. We get to see the physical manifestation of something that is somewhat abstract—that is, a person's thoughts. From an inner level, the mind is occupied with balancing two or more concerns or duties. A young man dressed in orange is standing only on one leg while holding a coin on each hand, in which the two coins are linked together by an infinity symbol. It seems he juggles the coins with the way his right hand is raised but lowered on his left. His head is also notably tilted towards the coin on his left side.

Based on the man’s actions, one can immediately depict he is properly allocating his finances since coins typically represent money. However, that's not all there is to it. Time, energy, and other resources also entail effective management for maximum efficiency. Although he is standing on even ground, the seas behind him have massive waves without indicating a storm in sight. The skies remain serene and blue, yet the ship is sailing out in the sea traversing through a dangerous path. The waves can also pertain to the worries that usually invade the mind of an individual. The present circumstances may be turbulent and intimidating but do not pose a severe threat in our lives unless we learn how to overcome our thoughts.

We juggle the limited varying resources in our lives; whether it is money, time, effort, etc., we already partake in gambling activity. There is a corresponding value to every decision we make, whether we are aware of it or not. Even owners of legal gambling sites make the crucial choice of opening an authorized business by consistently abiding by the laws in that country. We also face the same fate of endless decision-making throughout our entire lives.

Correcting Bad Habits Take Time

You may currently be in a position where your budget is restricted. This limitation is especially applicable to breadwinners. There may be others who might not necessarily be breadwinners. Still, their present circumstance may have forced these people to tighten their belts—hospital bills, credit card debt, or a natural calamity such as a typhoon are some examples that could be the trigger for it. If there is no dire need for cutting back on miscellaneous expenses, one can still benefit from it. For instance, instilling self-discipline and financial management are crucial skills that are not usually taught at school. No matter the reason for observing financial management, it is always preferable to start practicing it as early as possible.

Indirectly related to money matters is turning away from habits that can negatively affect our source of income and our overall budget. Vices do not only exist in alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, and gambling—a large part of the problem lies in being impulsive and craving immediate gratification. Just as the man in the card takes his time balancing the two coins, you will also do the same when it comes to correcting your vices. 

Today’s Tip

What sets humans apart from other living creatures is their logic—the ability to formulate reason based on facts—and decision-making—the result of evaluating the details out from the given options. Since man has the freedom to choose, it is both the source of their success and misfortunes. There is no foolproof method in life and handling finances that we will never commit a mistake. The kind of gambling mentioned earlier does not have to be related to casinos or revolves around money. Even apportioning office leaves evenly throughout the year or using them up in one go is already a gambling act.

In real-life situations, there is often no right or wrong answer. One cannot say that an employee commits a mistake by using all his work leaves at the end of the year. As long as the person acts just as he anticipated in his judgment, the outcome should be satisfactory. It only becomes a problem if the worker abuses the leave policy. There are instances where we will only face harmless consequences from an unforeseen circumstance. However, where the action is deliberate, the employee will undoubtedly suffer from dire outcomes.

So as not to suffer the same fate as this specific worker, choose your gambles wisely. It is essential to possess the skill of knowing when to join one and when it's time to pull out from it. A good sense of judgment will be your greatest ally.



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