Your Arcana Message For Today

When You Are Free Of Being Alone; Take The Chance To Reflect On Your Life

When You Are Free Of Being Alone; Take The Chance To Reflect On Your Life

Today’s card is The Hermit. Trading is a good way of creating wealth, it requires you to be keen about the steps you take and make decisions that are not based on emotions. Having clear goals and strategies is key, they will keep you from making extreme losses. You have been intending to venture into business, you should do your best to get information about it before you even start. Have a clear goal of where you want to head and work towards it. Do not trade your success for short-term moves.

In the Hermit card, an old man stands alone on the top of a mountain. This indicates that you may need to take some time away from others and embark on a journey of seeking your soul. This is a cell to choose the path of self-discovery and self-awareness.  The man holds a lantern with a star that has six points on his right hand, which symbolizes that even when you are walking alone, you will never walk in the dark.

The man carries no belongings and this indicates that as you embark on your path to self-discovery you will need to trade your past and focus ahead. The old man holds a long staff in his left hand and this indicates that you have power and authority over your life and you make the decision of what remains as well as what you trade to ensure a balance.

Follow Your Gut.

When a person is trading, they need to follow their intuition. You will know when to stop, what to engage in and the next steps to take. Trading requires you not to be greedy but to strategically follow the plan you had. Your inner self does not lie to you often. You should be keen to do what’s best for you. 

The Hermit card shows that you are drawing your attention and energy inwards while finding the answers that you seek from deep within your soul. You may have realized that your sense of knowledge and truth is found within yourself and not from the distractions that surround you from the outside world. You have to go on a self-discovery journey and let your wisdom and light guide you. Take a break to think about what motivates you, evaluate your personal values, and get in touch with who you are again.

Trading Requires Experience.

If you start trading without the know-how of how to go on about it, you will end up making losses and you will not know where you went wrong.  Traders take their time to learn and master their craft before they can embark on the business. You have to get experience about the things you embark on.  In the card, the man is walking the path alone, this is a call to go on a self-discovery journey, to heighten your awareness which will come in handy when making decisions. You may have intended to start a profitable venture; this is the time to evaluate if you have all the needed information. Get experience by working in a similar area before setting out on your own first, you will know which loopholes to avoid.

Avoid Greed.

Any trader will tell you that greed has been the downfall of many people. You have to know how far you should go without trying to reach everything available. Greed has made traders continue trading even when they shouldn’t, therefore making great losses. You have been desiring to achieve a lot in life, you work hard and you contemplate on doing anything as long as it gets you to where you want to be. Greed is a great vice that can take everything from you instead.

The Hermit card urges you to turn away from your materialistic world and focus more on your inner self. You will get so much more from within you that cannot be bought. You have desired to see everything you have worked for, but not everything is tangible and you cannot solely choose to place materialistic value on everything. The Hermit is alone on the top of the mountain, he has left everything behind, and yet at that moment, he has accomplished much, he has got more power and authority over his inner self and he is more balanced.

Trading Is Unpredictable.

Trading can be so unpredictable, one day things are going well and people are getting profit, but things can turn around in the same measure. Traders go easy when everything seems so right and they avoid overtrading. Similarly, your life keeps unfolding as you go, you cannot have your whole life figured out. You have to find the beauty in the uncertainty, and just plan what you can.  You have gained wisdom in many areas of your life, and you know how to avoid problems. Despite this, you still have to walk carefully and expect anything out of life.

In the card, the Hermit path is lit by his lamp. However, the lamp lights his next few steps and not the whole journey. This is a call to you to take a step at a time, to be patient for things to unfold to you. These are revealed to you one step at a time, trust the process, believe that the universe will alert you where you need to be guarded.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Never be afraid to be alone, take every chance you get to reflect on yourself. Take time to clear off the clutter in your mind. Choose to be more aligned with your true self, shut out all the voices and distractions of the world, and listen to yourself.  Be spontaneous and let your heart be ready to embrace different experiences, you can only learn from them. You are in the process of growth, it is not easy, and the path doesn’t have a lot of people going with you but it is the best thing you can do for yourself.


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