On the deck today is the Chariot tarot card and it appears to inform you that you need to hold on and persevere even when your worth is not visible and your efforts appreciated. When a cryptocurrency is introduced into the market, people are cautious of investing in it because they perceive it as a new method of fraud-well, you cannot blame them for being cautious since there are numerous fraud schemes. Only shrewd and seasoned investors take up the risk and invest in a new cryptocurrency without the surety of the state of its value in the future.
The upright Chariot card appears to inform you that you need to be courageous in life. Just like the young warrior in the card, there are plenty of battles that you will encounter thus without courage you will be trampled upon by the rest. This card indicates that you might be working extra hard and giving unto the world the best version of yourself yet you are not appreciated. Your efforts are not recognized and this is discouraging you.
You might be a hardworking employee yet your supervisors do not appreciate your work. Do not be discouraged for it is just a matter of time and things will fall into place. Just like a new cryptocurrency in the market, you need not prove your value at the moment but give yourself time to grow. When the right time comes, your value will appreciate and those who looked down upon you will envy you. They will wish that they could have the power to change the outcomes yet it will be in vain. The Chariot card thus appears to encourage you that you do not need to prove yourself to the world but let time introduce them to you.
The reversed Chariot card appears to indicate that you have clouded your mind with self-doubt. You are no longer sure about your value even when the universe has granted you immense potential. You might be a student and you are not certain that you will pass your exams just because you do not believe that you are bright enough. You might be an aspiring entrepreneur and you keep doubting the viability of your business yet you have not tried it out, you are worried that it will fail yet you have not taken the first step.
You might be a worker and you are scared of failing to attain your annual targets yet the year is still new. Why can’t you shape your life to be like that of a cryptocurrency that does not convince anybody of its value or possibility of appreciation in the future? People might be rejecting and ignoring you at the moment yet at the right time when your value appreciates, you will be appreciated and fought for.
The universe reminds you that it is at your disposal ready to help you when you are in need. Get into the chariot and purpose to make a positive difference.
Lets See How Your Love Card Connects With Your Birth Cards For Even More Clarity.
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