Your Arcana Message For Today

Anything that gets in the way in attaining our needs should be set aside, even if it means leaving our comfort zone.

Anything that gets in the way in attaining our needs should be set aside, even if it means leaving our comfort zone.

The Message of the Day

Death is the tarot card for the day. Most people will freeze in horror once they see this card. Once we come across this card in a tarot reading, this usually pertains to more than just a physical kind of death. It can simply mean that you are in the process of leaving behind what no longer serves you. These can include material possessions, habits, mindsets, places, or even people whom you deem as extremely important to you. 

All those mentioned above may be nothing more than just a “want”, but it was never a “need” in your life. This card brings you the message that you should set your priorities straight. Although we know that it is the right thing to do, we can still fall short in our attempt to make significant changes in our behavior.

Knowing the clear distinction between your wants and needs has a huge influence on your survival. With our health as a crucial concern, placing immediate attention on medical needs has become more important now that a catastrophe is upon us. 

Death in a literal sense might be knocking on our doorsteps if we fail to address our medical needs. An hour, minute, or even a second late can spell a big difference between life and death.

Prioritize your Needs over Wants

Just like how the Death card is usually surrounded by mistaken beliefs, it is also possible when it comes to medical needs. A common misconception about medical needs is that people often associate them with medicines and being hospitalized only. However, it is much more encompassing than that. Medical needs also cover the steps that lead to the treatment of an illness or injury. These include the evaluation, diagnosis, monitoring, and even aftercare. 

These are needs that should not be traded for something else. A medical doctor's experience and wisdom are much more valuable than that of those cheap quick fixes advertised in the form of supplements. For a matter as important as our health, there has to be a solid foundation.

We already know that the intake of nutritious foods and regular exercising does wonder to our body. Putting this knowledge into good use is the ideal and proper manner of doing things. Our circumstances may change. The people in our lives come and go as they please. Our priorities also vary as we grow older. Despite all that, one thing remains to be the same. No matter how busy our lives become, our medical needs still occupy the same amount of space and importance in our long-term goals.

Living a Meaningful Life

Acquiring information without applying it for the betterment of our life and the people whom we cherish is meaningless. The said knowledge becomes stagnant and eventually dies. We see in the card that the path is cleared for the grim reaper mounted on the horse. As he walks by, somehow disaster follows along with him. This also goes the same for those things that we usually take for granted. Whatever treasures we do not appreciate, life has a way to take those away from us. And by then, it would be too late for us to take back what has already been done.

This applies to a multitude of aspects: from knowledge, people, material things, and even the skills that we already have. The best way to show that you value all of these is to use them appropriately. People like our family and close friends give us support during our crucial moments. The skills and expertise of healthcare professionals have saved countless people with medical needs. 

Even material things serve a noble purpose. Money and hospital equipment are also equally important in addressing our medical needs. When all four of these are present to a person with compromised health, this makes the recovery process even faster. Just as how it is not acceptable to never consume these resources even if your life is at stake, the opposite is also equally frowned upon. 

These are the non-negotiable essentials that should not be traded for meaningless, shallow, and wanton desires. If we want to attain a long, healthy, and meaningful life, a certain kind of death must take place.  Our thinking and practices that make us complacent should be replaced. Eating fast food and laying in bed all day maybe some examples of guilty pleasures to other people. The key here lies in applying the knowledge that too much of anything always leads to detrimental consequences. 

Today’s Tip

You should not wait for death or any other worst-case scenario to come and find you before you change your ways. We already know the lifestyle practices that keep us healthy. However, it is hard to switch gears once you are already used to the comfortable yet risky way of living. Refusing to go outside the comfort zone is like a disease or a parasite that we need to get rid of. This is especially true if your comfort zone does not push you to grow and abandon unhealthy practices.

Like stagnant water without any outlet to flow, the water becomes dirty and stale. Any living organism that resides in that body of water also dies. Life is all about maintaining the flow of things. That is the reality of living: we win some, we win lose some. Either outside our control or by our volition, how the future will play out heavily relies on our current actions.

You have to choose which one bears more significance to you. It is either your safety or your comfort that would be put at stake. Would you prefer to be stubborn and cling to your negative habits and mindsets in exchange for your health? Or will it be the other way around?

Life is already too short for us to waste it on fleeting and temporary pleasures. Make every second worth remembering by basing your decisions on what is right rather than on what gives you the most immediate satisfaction.

Normally, being terrified is the usual reaction towards death. Rather than reacting out of fear, take actions that your future self will thank you for. In the end, creating a life without regrets as much as possible is how you should live.

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