Your Arcana Message For Today

So long as the foundation is weak, anything that is built on top of it will not last for a long time.

So long as the foundation is weak, anything that is built on top of it will not last for a long time.

The Message of the Day

The tarot card of the day is The Tower. Various people have different reactions to sudden changes. For some, they are openly welcome to both good and bad transformations in their lives. Meanwhile, others fear the distant and unpredictable future. Whichever one you may be, accept that constant fluctuations are always part and parcel in the natural order of existence.

It is extremely normal for an unexpected situation to get you shaking in your boots. As human as we are, we should have already come to terms with our flaws and vulnerabilities. Running away from our fears only delays the inevitable. Just as how a criminal defendant is expected to show up for a trial, choosing the bail bond method is just taking the easy way out. Especially for those who are not just wrongly accused but are the perpetrator themselves, owning up to their mistakes seems like an impossible task to do for them.

There are times when either the fight or flight mode works. When you slip up, the best way is to admit your faults at the earliest instance. At this juncture, you are asked to carry on with your journey amidst the unpredictable challenges that will come your way. You may be in the wrong for now, but you will have a big chance to redeem yourself in the future if you choose what is right instead of what is convenient.

Lacking Backup Plans

Undergoing the bail bonds agreement is a way of ensuring a safety net for the defendant if they do not have the financial means to do it themselves. Similarly, bail also assures both the court and the defendant in case the latter fails to appear during a trial. Throughout our life, it is an ideal plan to implement alternatives should your primary one be no longer usable. In the case of the criminal defendant, seeking the help of a bail bonds agent is usually the more efficient option than waiting for the decision of the judge on their release from jail. 

Due to the unexpected nature of circumstances, having alternative plans is a suitable option to avoid the worst possible outcome. But even with having many backup plans sound ideal, it is just not attainable at all times. Often life throws us trials that make us jump out of our skin. Certain events happen without us being prepared for them. During these moments, we are taken aback and our thoughts are in a tough spot to process anything complex. This is what experiencing a tower moment feels like. 

Once the logic is out of reach, our survival instincts take over us. A defendant who is desperate for immediate release seeks financial assistance from a bail bonds agent. Likewise, a person in distress desires relief in what they are going through. Take the moment to ponder if instant gratification from stressful situations is what you need the most right now. Assess yourself if there is a lesson you can learn from your current condition.

Acceptance Over Our Faults

No matter how smooth things are going for you, a sudden and rather uneasy situation will arise to turn things around whether it is for the better or for worse. We possess the will to decide matters for ourselves. We may only realize we have made the wrong decision once we find ourselves trapped. Just like a criminal who has been caught in the act doing crimes, the only way out is to accept your wrongdoings.

There are moments when life does not give the luxury to have another choice like the way defendants have with bail bonds. There is no point in trying to resist a situation like this. A bail bond may instantly save you for now, but it only has a one-time effect. If you desire a permanent transformation in your life, you start with admitting your mistakes. It is important to do this not from a highly critical approach but in an objective and gentle manner.

If defendants would sometimes need the help of bail bond agents to bail themselves out, the same could also apply to you. When realizing or owning up to your mistakes seems like a difficult task to do by yourself, you may need other people to help you grasp it. Now that you know what to do, it is time to get started. You can slowly plan out your next course of action with or without the help of others. Learn from your mistakes to avoid running into the same problem later on.

Today’s Tip

With the old foundation being crumbled to pieces, just like the picture in The Tower, remember to not repeat the mistakes you did when you first established it. There is a reason why a building made from mediocre materials is easily destroyed. Relying on quick fixes in the hopes of saving money would only result in costly damages in the future. Durable yet expensive construction materials protect those who live under the building from external dangers and also reduces unnecessary costs in repair and maintenance.

Bail bonds may be a good alternative for defendants, but still, the most dependable method would be to avoid all sorts of making trouble. Most of the work would come from the inside. We can still make mistakes without us having to go to jail, but that does not mean we should maintain this kind of behavior. We should still actively strive to correct our errors no matter how insignificant they may seem.

Even when your journey feels like taking two steps forward then taking a step backward after, acknowledge that you have still made a step forward. This single step is better than remaining in the same place, or worse, going on a regressive motion. It may even take some time for us to recover, but gradual yet consistent steps already contribute to a long distance in our journey without us even knowing it. With the establishment of a new and improved foundation, everything that you have worked hard for will not easily vanish as compared before.

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