Your Arcana Message For Today

When You Are A Believer Of Luck, You Will Realize That The Harder You Work, The More You Gain

When You Are A Believer Of Luck, You Will Realize That The Harder You Work, The More You Gain

Today’s card is the Knight of Pentacles. You require hard work to reach where you want to be. There is nothing that comes by sheer coincidence and daydreaming. You may have been putting little effort towards your goals thinking that the universe will be kind to you and reward you for things you have not worked for. You need to drop that illusion and work as hard as a termite with carefully thought-through plans for you to see a reality that is pleasing to you.

In the Knight of Pentacles card, there is a knight sitting on a stationary horse carefully looking at the gold coin he has in his hand as if he is making some considerations. This symbolizes a need to assess and plan your path before taking action. In the background, there is a field that has been plowed, symbolizing that you are willing and ready to do the work to realize your dreams, even if it seems dull and repetitive.

You Define Yourself.

People think termites are small creatures and they hardly pay any attention to them, but when you keenly look into their living system and how they exist, it can pose a challenge to you. Termites have not let their size, how they are defined, or their ability to do big things stop them from becoming great. You have allowed other people to tell you who you are and what you can and cannot do. Deep down you know you are capable of so much more but you are afraid of letting that out. You have to understand that you are in charge of yourself and you are the only person who knows how far you can go.

In the card, you see the Knight has plowed his land and is stationary, willing to wait and see the results of his work. Despite the other knights always moving and might find him quite boring, he has defined himself and has gone for what he wants. He is a detail-oriented and hardworking knight. This card calls to you to not conform to the assumptions of people about you but to move ahead to your best abilities and execute them. You may not be the most creative and inspiring person but you are willing to do the work to get the results you seek, even if that work means repeating a routine.

Termites Are Planners.

Termites know that without planning there is so little they can do. They plan and are quite methodical in the way they operate. From building, transporting food, moving from one place to another, and ensuring their colonies are continually growing. You have similarly adapted to this trait. In the card, the knight is gazing at the gold coin, wondering what it could bring him, this means that you are a natural implementer and a planner. You determine the best action to take after envisioning your goal and you stick to your path with a strategic plan and relentless focus. This card calls you to be meticulous in your approach, to make sure that you consider even the tiniest details of your plans and execute them properly. You should not leave a job half done, it is necessary that you follow through with your promises and make sure you complete your assigned projects on time and at a good standard of work.

Termites Move Progressively.

Have you looked at termites working? You may think there isn’t much they are doing, but when you check again after some time, you see unbelievable progress. You have to remember that it is not how fast you go but how consistent you are. You have been wondering if you are moving at the right pace and you feel the need to fasten it. Let this notion not pressure you to be faster, you will get tired and feel the need to leave the work halfway. 

In the card, The knight has plowed his land and is expecting crops to grow from it. This will not bear immediate results but will require patience and time for him to sow from it. This means that you don’t have to particularly work quickly but you have to be dedicated, committed, and consistent with your goals. This is a call to continue doing what you are doing, plod along, and get gradual progress. Do not change your approach, stick to your usual routines, and go with the flow, you will achieve your goals.

It Is Okay To Be Conservative.

You may be feeling bored by the repetitive aspects of your life, the schedules, house chores, and having to continually take care of responsibilities you have. You also know that you have to commit your time to successfully finish your projects even when you don’t feel like doing so. The Knight of Pentacles suggests that you should continue taking a conservative and moderate approach to life right now.

You have to continue doing what you do until you have a carefully thought plan that will ensure a smooth transition to change. Stick to your ways of doing things, those that you have tested and you are guaranteed will give you results. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you always have to be on an exciting period, but at least you know that you are walking on the right path. Even if you direly need change, you feel tired and want to quit, this knight insists that you should keep at it because it will eventually pay off.

Top Tip Of The Day.

It is easy to find yourself settling, sometimes away from the things you dreamed about that gave you the thrill. The motions of life are full of lessons, and even as you go for what you have always wanted, enjoy the surety in your life, that there is something you know how to do well. One step at a time, each season is to be lived and find the pleasures in it.


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