Your Arcana Message For Today

Apply urgent care in your life so as not to regret over missed opportunities.

Apply urgent care in your life so as not to regret over missed opportunities.

The Message of the Day

The tarot card of the day is The Hanged Man. Matters about your health are brought to your attention today. Even if you think you are in perfect shape, you should start considering your long-term health condition. Do not wait for your well-being to be put at stake before you take any actions. Especially now that there is an ongoing health crisis on a global scale, maintaining one’s well-being should be the primary urgent care concern.

Despite the worldwide distribution of vaccines, the rest of mankind can still hardly let their guard down. Extreme caution and urgent care should be applied to our overall well-being. It may be tempting to be unbothered and just live your life as you please, but it is a risky move. Do not wait for your life to be turned upside down before you take any action. 

It may be uncomfortable now to suddenly change courses, but this is for the best. Ignoring your health rather than treating it as something that needs urgent care will surely catch up to you later. Instead, do what you can for now to minimize the negative consequences.

Avoid the Regret of Not Taking Action Sooner

It should be common knowledge for us to consider our physical and mental health is our priority. This aspect of our lives is something we cannot afford to compromise. Even inconveniences that we deem as minor before the pandemic, like coughs and ordinary fevers, are now being taken seriously. Unfortunately, we do not have the same luxury as The Hanged Man who always takes his time before making a decision.

There is no need to think twice when it comes to our well-being. In the event of an insignificant illness, providing urgent care is always the automatic response. It is only proper that we put our health as our topmost priority. However, the things that require urgent care do not necessarily mean that we already value them. Although it is obvious that our health is non-negotiable, there are still others who take it for granted.

Urgent care facilities may not cater to emergencies and critical cases, but their purpose proves to be significant in other ways. Just like how the name suggests, urgent care centers are geared towards tending to non-life-threatening sickness and injuries. Likewise, you are urged to take action on matters that are valuable to you before it’s too late. While you still have the chance to improve your health, seize the opportunity now. Or else, you will end up like The Hanged Man—missing your shot due to inaction right before your very eyes. 

Face Your Fears Now

Not being impulsive and thoroughly evaluating your options is undoubtedly a good practice to observe. You show that you value your health by slowing down on your intake of sugar or alcohol, for instance. It may take a lot of courage for one person to observe these things, but it is necessary, nevertheless. Taking things slowly, as The Hanged Man suggests, may not be applicable at all times. There are certain events where the answer is already obvious that there is no need to have second thoughts.

It is much better to be proactive in looking after your health. Since you hold the main responsibility for your life, you will not have full freedom unless you assume the driver’s seat. Nothing good will come out if you either purposely or coincidentally let yourself take the backseat. Constant drinking with your friends will eventually catch up to your health. And so is regularly staying up late for various purposes. While it may be okay for now since your body is still robust, but these fleeting pleasures have a risky price to pay.

Putting immediate attention on health matters is not only a one-time thing or is observed only when a crisis arises. Once you are aware of what needs to be done to avoid being in risky situations, you should take the lead while you still have time. This also includes conducting a regular checkup at least once a year. Paying a visit to the healthcare experts is not a loss on our part but an advantage. 

The more you avoid going to the hospital for various reasons, the heavier the price you will pay in the future. Sooner or later, you will still have to need a doctor’s appointment. It would be much better to face your fears now than the lifetime regret you will carry for not choosing to deal with your worries.

Today’s Tip

Do not allow yourself to be hanging on a thin thread, much like how the man is tied on one ankle upside-down. Purposely putting on hold the things that truly matter will only result in your downfall. This does not only pertain to your health but also other aspects of your life that also need your urgent care and attention. 

Time is a luxury. An hour late could spell the huge difference between life and death. Likewise, our health is an irreplaceable asset. Taking preventive measures at the earliest moment could save you from a lot of misfortunes later. You have no one to thank but yourself for the precautionary actions you have made. If you are having a difficult time taking that initial step, you can ask for the support and understanding of your trusted loved ones.

In these times when the pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s social life, health, and livelihood, it is important to have the presence of other people. While it is true that there are things you must do alone, this does not have to be a lonely journey. Having other people accompany you for a doctor’s visit does not guarantee your fear of the results will go away, but it is better than going through this phase alone.

The clock is ticking. And with every second that passes, the action that takes you a minute to decide can save you from a months’ or even years’ worth of misery. Take that path that your future self will not regret.

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