Your Arcana Message For Today

Forming healthy habits is the greatest support system we can have that already exists within ourselves.

Forming healthy habits is the greatest support system we can have that already exists within ourselves.

The Message of the Day

Suppose you have meant to fix either a tangible or an intangible aspect of your life. In that case, the universe brings you an unmistakable go signal with the Seven of Pentacles as the tarot card for today. Restoring one's physical and mental health is the highlight of today's message. The card indicates a waiting time before one can witness the results of his diligence and dedication. Of course, this goes without saying that a person must plant the seeds first—otherwise, you have no fruit to reap. 

Perhaps you are an individual whose job constantly exposes you to different stressors. Ample rest through sleeping is one method for the effective restoration of the human body and mind. There are still other practices that can enhance the natural process of physical and mental restoration in the human body. Experimenting via trial and error will lead you the way towards knowing which technique suits your needs and lifestyle the most. It is a no-brainer why it is a need to look after ourselves. Starting early in engaging in healthy ways of living will prove to be the most useful as we age later on. Although our bodies already have a built-in system of physiological restoration, this should not be a reason to be complacent. We are called to input the same amount of effort as illustrated in the Seven of Pentacles if we wish to manifest our dreams into existence.

Support Systems to Lean On

One can notice straight away that the Seven of Pentacles focuses on a  man who appears to be planting. He is wearing blue inner garments with orange outer clothes and boots. Instead of the typical seeds and crops, the young lad is unusually growing golden coins, each with the symbol star in the middle. The coins are the actual representation of a person's aspirations, although they may not always be related to material possessions. Our deepest desires propel us to action, thereby planting the first seeds that would hopefully lead us to a bountiful harvest.

As he looks downwards at his fertile crops, he is also leaning on the long gardening tool for support. Nurturing the plants is not a one-time action. Since this entails repetitive and consistent activity, it is a basic need for a gardener or farmer to break between those times. The gardening tool allows us to lean on and assist the planting process—indicating that it provides support in two ways. Likewise, we need assistance, whether it is in the form of equipment or other people. The restoration of the man’s energy is evident when he leans on the gardening tool—and he rightfully deserves a short rest after a day’s worth of work.

In connection to today's message, the Seven of Pentacles emphasizes restoring a person's vitality. Our physical bodies will send us a warning once we have reached our limit. Even if we want to accomplish as many tasks as possible within a day, being a workaholic becomes a problem once you disregard the early signs of bodily discomfort and pain. Suppose you recognize that you have this tendency. In that case, it's best to correct this behavior as soon as possible before this can potentially lead to severe conditions.

The Power is in Our Habits

A single occurrence can become a habit—which can either lead to a boon or a bane. Any diligent worker would know that the earlier they start a task, they can complete more duties faster. It begins as a mindset of wanting to finish a day’s worth of responsibilities until it becomes ingrained in their system. In this way, the productive habit becomes a boon. 

On the flip side, this can also turn into a bane when individuals want to push their efficiency beyond the normal range. Apart from our bodies being no longer able to cope with the existing pressure, it can also make us vulnerable to diseases, mood swings, and fatigue. Listening and, more importantly, heeding to bodily cues can make all the difference in preventing illnesses and restoring the body to its normal condition. Even if it is not related to a career, the importance of taking care of our health does not diminish. When we are physically and mentally fit, it's as if anything can be within our reach. 

In the absence of diseases, it is easy to abuse our bodies by engaging in different vices. Alcohol, cigarette, and drug addiction are not the only harmful practices there are. Straining the body by overdoing exercises and job-related tasks is just as bad as the previous one. Let this be our motivation to stop taking our health for granted—by implementing substantial self-care measures, not for our job or other people but ourselves.

Today’s Tip

A well-functioning mind and body allow us to perform at our peak, may it be work, studies, sports, or leisure. Thus, it is imperative to make our health our top priority—starting with getting enough rest through sleeping for bodily restoration at a cellular level. A typical workaholic may find it difficult even to take a break during a shift. Going back to the basics of forming healthy habits, a beginner can set the tone by instilling five-minute breaks. With the help of a timer, let's say being focused for 30 minutes straight, this prompts the workaholic to step on the brakes for a while. As time goes by, the person will gradually observe work breaks on their own—deviating away from the assistance of a timer. Sometimes we need a little push from people and devices to develop healthy lifestyle practices, especially energy restoration.

No career, relationship, or opportunity is ever worth it if the price that we must pay is our health. A compromised physical or mental condition forces a person to make considerable changes to their long-term objectives. Even worse is that this can put an end to one’s ambitions. All you need to do is to master setting the distinction between overworking and working smartly.



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