Your Arcana Message For Today

Victims Never Do Anything To Better Their Quality Of Life But Declare That The World Is Responsible For Them.

Victims Never Do Anything To Better Their Quality Of Life But Declare That The World Is Responsible For Them.

Today’s tarot card is Eight of Swords. Some of the barriers you have in your life are self-imposed and your situation could easily be made better by changing your mindset. If you want to have a better life, you have to choose to see beyond your beliefs and take responsibility for the things that you once let affect your life.

On the Eight of Swords tarot card, there is a woman who is blindfolded and tied up, which symbolizes a situation in your life that you can’t see and you feel like you cannot move away from it. Eight swords are placed around her in a strategic manner that restricts her movement as though she is in some kind of jail. The trap however has open spaces that could let her escape. This represents the barriers that are self-imposed, the ones that you can easily walk through if only you changed your mindset and moved from having a victim-mentality.

The blindfolds on the woman in the card prevent the woman from seeing, and she doesn’t have a way of finding out that she has a way to leave. Around her, there is a barren land which might symbolize a lack of creativity on your part. The grey sky above her shows despair since she doesn’t have hope of being free from the situation she is in. She should be able to remove the blindfold to see that she could simply just walk out of the whole situation.

You Can Break Free From Debts.

Loans are very easy to take. Nowadays, they are very accessible to almost everyone because of the emergence of instant loans. Once this is an option for you, you make it a habit to always result to this alternative in case of even a minor issue. You always pay up and borrow again, this is a vicious cycle that is very hard to kill. Your spending habits will not become better because you know there is somewhere you can get money from. This tendency can be tiring because your money is always paying up a debt plus the interests that come up with loans.

The Eight of Swords can indicate that you feel restricted by your circumstances and trapped. You believe that your options are limited since you don’t see any clear path out. A significant debt puts you way out of alignment with your inner being and should be avoided. Take note that the woman is not truly imprisoned by the eight swords that surround her, and if she was determined to escape, she could. She just needs to remove the blindfold that holds her back first. Your loans are not the end of you. you need to create a strategy to pay them up and resist the urge of always being in debt. Do not let this be a normal thing for you, free yourself from limits. You can never move forward with a baggage of debts.

Let Go Of What No Longer Brings You Good.

The Eight of Swords can appear as a warning that your beliefs and thoughts are no longer serving you. You may be creating negative patterns or limiting yourself by always creating worst-case scenarios in your life. What you are used to makes you feel safe, because you know the outcome. It becomes harder for you to try something new because you do not know if it will favor you. Some of these habits have outlived their stay in your life and now they are detrimental to your wellbeing.

For example, someone who works out to lose weight, when this person starts becoming unhealthy because of excessive weight loss because of overemphasizing a certain type of diet, you know it is now time to let go of what once worked. It is time to let go of thoughts and beliefs that hold you back and get out of your head. As you change your thoughts, your reality becomes different. Start creating more favorable situations for yourself, starting from your mind. You cannot keep entertaining things that don’t work for you, you have to go beyond that life standard and view yourself as a person capable of so much more.

Be In Control of Your Finances. 

You have to plan yourself and be in control of how you use money. Separate your needs from your wants and know what to prioritize. Getting loans starts with the desire to satisfy a need without wanting or having the choice to wait. You have to take responsibility for your actions and fix the situation you are in. The Eight of Swords symbolizes the victim mentality, where you have surrendered your power to external power. You may blame others and think this isn’t your fault where you have been placed there against your will. You may want to be rescued, but you aren’t bound in the first place. This kind of mentality can only keep you stagnant and moving back instead. You must take your power back and choose to be accountable for the things you allow to happen in your life. Open your eyes to all the options that you see in front of you. The truth is, you are not powerless, you have choices even if you don’t like them, so be bold enough to make tough decisions concerning your life.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Whenever you are confused if you should stay or go choose the option that favors you. You cannot be one foot in, hoping things will work out and the other foot out, ready to leave in case things fall apart. Before you get yourself in a situation, think of all the consequences it would have. You are responsible for your life, be accountable and stop looking for the next person to blame. Loans and debts are crippling, avoid them at all costs. Work with what you have, unless you are in a dire situation.


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