Your Arcana Message For Today

Keep Your Head Pointed To The Sun And Your Feet Moving Forward The You Will Find Happiness.

Keep Your Head Pointed To The Sun And Your Feet Moving Forward The You Will Find Happiness.

Today’s Tarot card is the sun. There are moments when you experience satisfaction, glory, and light in your life. It is during these times that you are most optimistic, positive and your energy can be felt. It is necessary to savor these moments because this is an opportunity the universe has given you to feel the beauty of life. It is best to spread this amazing energy wherever you go.

In the sun tarot card, a large bright sun shines in the sky symbolizing its magnificent source of life on earth. This shows the power you have while radiating optimism and positivity. Underneath the sun, four sunflowers have grown tall above the wall representing the four suits. In the foreground, you see a child in the card looking joyful. This symbolizes your innocence and represents the happiness that occurs when you are aligned with your true self. The child being naked means that you have absolutely nothing to hide. The child is also a symbol of purity which is emphasized through the white horse that the child is riding. The horse is used to symbolize the strength and nobility that you possess. The sun tarot represents enthusiasm and success. You may have gone through a rough patch, now this is your time to embrace the good side that is coming your way.

Be The Cord Blood Around People.

Everyone is looking for that person who will bring sunshine into their lives, most people are lonely and sometimes, they never find what they need. You are in a position to be there for someone. You will find that people are drawn to the positive energy and happy vibes you are giving out and you will bring joy and light to everyone you get into contact with. You will realize that you feel more liberated, carefree, and self-assured. In the card, you see the sun radiating upon the child and the horse, which shows the power of optimism that you give. The sun also represents success and abundance.

Just like the sun that gives strength and vitality to all those that are lucky to feel its rays, there is so much infectious happiness that is coming from you. Because of your personal fulfillment, you have been able to inspire others and bring beautiful energy into their lives. You are now able to be the cord blood and share your qualities and achievements with others. Even when you get discouraged, lift your spirit up with the knowledge that you have a responsibility to help cheer people from many sorrows. Do not doubt yourself at this stage, this is your moment to shine and be outstanding when coming through for others.

Having Pure Intentions.

When you look into yourself, there is a genuine desire to be there for people. You are filled with innocence around your dealings and do things without malice. Purity is felt around you and it has protected you from being harmed by others. The sun card shows the child, who is a symbol of purity, which is further emphasized by the white horse. Knowing that everyone does not act as you do will help you be keen on whom you want to have in your life. This is also the card of truth, so if you have been a victim of deception and lies, the sun is going to shine its light on the lie to reveal the truth and show you the people behind it.

Do not dismiss the truth that is revealed to you, use this season to sift people in your life and retain those who do not take advantage of you. Be of good cheer and take courage in the good luck the sun tarot card brings to you. Any problems you have been experiencing will melt away with the warmth of the sun. Continue being who you are and do not let distractions from outside harden your spirit. Shield your innocence at all cost, because this is what keeps you blameless and makes you able to continue with the good work of touching people’s lives.

Stay True To Yourself.

As you continue with life, it is important that you stay true to yourself. You do not have to change to fit in the standards of the world. Everyone will be bringing their expectations of you to you, they would want you to stop shining because they do not find your ability to impact other people’s lives to be legit. You may not be conventional or act like everyone else and that is a bother to some. In the card, you see the child naked and joyful.

This symbolizes the happiness you feel when you are aligned with yourself, the importance of appreciating yourself as you are, and having nothing to hide about it. Do not please people at the expense of your truth. You have the strength to stand up for yourself against people who try to pull you back. Do not be intimidated by what others can do, just like the horse, use your nobility to stand above them. When you remain true to yourself, you will not be easily shaken by outside distractions, you will not question yourself and you will always figure out what to do next.

Today’s Top Tip

Even the most positive people can be negative sometimes. The energy you allow around you even as you help other people is really important. Take time to recharge and to come back stronger to continue helping other people. Know when to stop, even the sun moves away for a while. You cannot give from an empty cup, so remain true to yourself and keep nourishing your identity first, the rest should come later. Do not cower from your responsibilities, there is a reason why they were handed to you. Remember to be kind, everyone needs some sunshine in their lives, so spread some.




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